
Is it possible to save the collated data?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-24

    If I need to save a set of data collected as part of a session, is it possible? If yes how?

    I just want the data is reference to go back to whenever I need. Or is it that it gets erased when you collate again?

  • chetan phalak

    chetan phalak - 2013-01-24

    Jensor automatically saves collated data in respective project. Whenever user wants to refer old data, one can open the same project in Jensor Analysis Workbench(JAW) and navigate to the Mode -> Chnage Session.

    Here combo box will be displayed containing all the session names which falls under that respective project. Choose any one and start re-analyzing data using various tabs provided by JAW. Session names are stored as "start time of session - end time of session", therefore no chance of duplication of session names.

    Access of erasing that saved data or deleting perticular session is given to user. By navigating to File -> Delete Session, user can delete any session.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-25

    Thats great. Thanks. Exactly what I was looking for. One more thing, can this session be shared or a report generated on it?

  • chetan phalak

    chetan phalak - 2013-01-25

    Good to know that Jensor meets with your requirements.
    The current version of Jensor is not equipped session sharing  and report generation facilities. Report generation is on the roadmap of Jensor. You can write about session sharing in the feature request session of this project.

    Go to Tracker -> Feature Requests from this page and log the request, we will definitely look into it.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-25

    Ok. Sure will do that.

    Althoug not related to the topic, how exactly can we make use of this in development environment? In Production environment, we can check the response times based on loads and all, but which data is relevant in dev env, so that we can go back to the code and check? .. And does it provide any analysis of memory leaks? Also maybe you can try to include some suggestions which would make it more user friendly?

    Does it have any feature to check potential performance bottlencks? Like which can cause performance issues when deployed in production, but not necessarily in local development environment.

    I know its lots of questions. But just curious you see. Thanks for your guidance.


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