
Web application monitor using Jensor

  • Anand kumar

    Anand kumar - 2009-05-12

    Hi All,
    I am a new user for Jensor Java Profiler, and trying to moniter my web application and one can please provide procedure of configaration and checking output.

    • Amol Khanapurkar


      Jensor procedure for any kind of application be it client-side Java applicatio, middle tier Java or server-side Java - is the same.

      You have to follow three simple steps
      1) Instrument
      2) Deploy
      3) Analyze

      The entire procedure is documented in Usage Manual. You can find it under docs folder under Jensor Home.


    • Anand kumar

      Anand kumar - 2009-05-13

      Sorry for asking this again, by checking the document I did some operations on tool for my web application.
      1. I am using tomcat. So I browse my application avilable in Tomcat/webapps.
      I started instrumentation
      I got 3 blocks
      1. Classes to select from
      2. Directorycontents
      3. jar file contents

      In the above 1 is not having any thing.
      in block 2 showing all packages in classes folder.
      in block 3 showing all jars.
      If I try to select I am getting all the classes under package / jar file.
      I just waht to c the performance of application how much level I need to select.
      Once I select all and click on ok. I can able to capture,but the problem is when can I collect records and what is the prot number. and my another question is how this capture going on, I mean to say I completed one use case afier the case complete I need to start collection of records or symaltaniously.
      Please kindly answer to my question.
      Sorry to giving this pain to you.
      Thanks in advance.
             -Anandkumar Matta

    • Amol Khanapurkar

      Hi Anand,

      Pls. go through section 2.4 of Usage Manual to understand Jensor conceptual model. You will get to know what the port is for. If yoy have not changed default configuration dont bother about port. It will always be 21999.

      Secondly, once you do a Collate, Jensor analyzes data accumulated data. Before analyzing it stops logging. Hence once the Collation is complete, you need to send a 'start' signal using Mode -> Start Session option using JAW. Jensor will then resume logging.

      Do not hesitate to post questions. Thats what this forum is for.


    • Anand kumar

      Anand kumar - 2009-05-15

      Hi Amol,
      How can I get the source code for this project.
      I s it possiable to get it.

    • Anand kumar

      Anand kumar - 2009-05-15

      I got it thanks.


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