

  • rajani  pandala

    rajani pandala - 2009-05-06

    Hi Amol,

    Thanks for your patience and appreciate if you clarify me further more

    1) What you mean by Instrument your MyTCApp.jar --- My understanding is that I will be creating jar manually once instrumentstion finished.

    • Amol Khanapurkar

      Hi Rajini,

      Let me take step back and explain to you how it works.

      Typically Java applications are packaged in form of .class, .jar, .war and .ear formats. Jensor supports instrumenting all of them. The idea is that you get any of the above instrumented using Jensor and deploy it back in target environment.

      So for example, if you deploy a Tomcat application packaged in form of a .war file, then after instrumentation you will find it in %JENSOR_HOME%\projects\<ProjectName>\instrumented folder. Now you have to take this instrumented .war file and deploy it back in Tomcat. Same applies for .class ,.jar and .ear files.

      Once the instrumented code is deployed, access your application as you would normally do. When an instrumented class / method is invoked data about it will get captured and be stored in JensorProfile.txt.

      Then, you just use Jensor Analysis Workbench (JAW) i.e. the swing front-end to pull the Jensor data from your application. This process is called Collating. Analysis follows collation. Post-analysis, data is presented in different forms to detect bottlenecks in the code.

      MyTCApp.jar was just an example. You dont have to create jar manually. If your application works with class files then Jensor can always provide instrumented class files.

      Bottomline, as far as instrumentation is concerned is that Jensor will give as output the same format that you give as input. So,if you provide

      .class files as input Jensor will provide instrumented .class files as output
      .jar file(s) as input, Jensor will provide instrumented .jar files as output

      Hope this helps.



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