
Eclipse integration

  • rajani  pandala

    rajani pandala - 2009-04-30

    I completed all the steps - installation , instrumentation , deploying etc as is mentioned in the documentation; for my class files.
    I created a workspace .
    I ran java2D demo.
    Then ran JAW.In JAW following this path :mode-->instrument-->and given path for the classes which are in my workspace.
    completed instrumenting classes and collected from instrumentation folder from C:\Program Files\Jensor\projects<project name>instrumented folder.
    created a jar for that classes and then placed in my workspace webinf/lib
    similarly i copied jensor Jar jensorjdk14-1.9-win32 in my workspace webinf/lib

    However i am unable to know whether after deploying again i need to run my tomcat server.
    Is there anything that i am missing out please let me know.

    what steps i need to go for further processing.
    In JAW
    1.when i selected mode-->start session.i am getting popup like jensor on localhost\ started.
    2.mode-->collaterecords.i am getting message like ip address:localhost,port:21999.and when i click on ok getting message like "output  not related to project".

    In cmd:Handling client at on port 1353 at local port 21999
    send buffer size is 8192
    colloc,Administrator,perf123 received
    JC-011: Stopping system resource utilization monitor
    JC-019: Hashtable cleared at 2009-04-30 15:54:18.259
    Process Destroyed
    System authorized / :
    Handling client at on port 1355 at local port 21999
    send buffer size is 8192
    colloc,Administrator,perf123 received
    System authorized / :
    Handling client at on port 1390 at local port 21999
    send buffer size is 8192
    colloc,Administrator,perf123 received
    System authorized / :
    Handling client at on port 1563 at local port 21999
    send buffer size is 8192
    start,Administrator,perf123 received
    sent n
    JC-010: Monitoring system resource utilization
    In collectSamples()
    JC-014: User instructed Jensor to start data collection
    C:\Program Files\Jensor\examples
    fileDeleted = true
    JC-015: Collecting Top N Methods
    JC-016: Collecting Memory stats
    JC-017: Collecting Object Instantiations
    TypePerf spawned...
    System authorized / :
    Handling client at on port 1565 at local port 21999
    send buffer size is 8192
    colloc,Administrator,perf123 received
    JC-011: Stopping system resource utilization monitor
    JC-019: Hashtable cleared at 2009-04-30 16:55:27.485
    Process Destroyed

    Awaiting your reply......
    Please share your suggestions

    collate records

    • Amol Khanapurkar

      Hi Rajani,

      After deploying your code in Tomcat, you need to start it. The setup seems fine. Just to be on the safer side, also copy the jensor jar in Tomcat Lib ie %CATALINA_HOME%\lib

      Next, upon first call to instrumented class / method, Jensor gets invoked. It will start writing profiling data to %JENSOR_HOME%\output folder.

      Finally, to collate the data you need to open the same project that used to instrument the classes. For e.g. if the name of the Jensor project which you used for instrumenting is say, MyTCApp, then

      1) Launch JAW
      2) Open Project MyTCApp
      3) Do a 'collate'

      You should get your profiling data.

      Do not hesitate to post further queries. You are moving in the right direction.

      Happy profiling with Jensor !


      • rajani  pandala

        rajani pandala - 2009-05-04

        Hi Amolbk,
        I am thankful for your reply.I placed jensor jar in tomcat lib and i am not clear about the statement :you need to start it.(After deploying your code in Tomcat,you need to start it) .

        But i am not still clear regarding what to do or how to proceed after deploying.Please follow these steps and let me know where i am going wrong...
        1.I created a workspace .
        I launched java2D demo.
        Then launched JAW.In JAW following this path :mode-->instrument-->and given path for the classes which are in my workspace.
        completed instrumenting classes and collected from instrumentation folder from C:\Program Files\Jensor\projects<project name>instrumented folder.
        created a jar for that classes and then placed in my workspace webinf/lib
        similarly i copied jensor Jar jensorjdk14-1.9-win32 in my workspace webinf/lib

        After this in already launched JAW i selected a project for the classes which i have been instrumented.
        1.when i selected mode-->start session.i am getting popup like jensor on localhost\ started.
        2.mode-->collaterecords.i am getting message like ip address:localhost,port:21999.and when i click on ok getting message like "output not related to project".

        In cmd:Handling client at on port 1353 at local port 21999
        send buffer size is 8192
        colloc,Administrator,perf123 received
        JC-011: Stopping system resource utilization monitor
        JC-019: Hashtable cleared at 2009-04-30 15:54:18.259
        Process Destroyed
        System authorized / :
        Handling client at on port 1355 at local port 21999
        send buffer size is 8192
        colloc,Administrator,perf123 received
        System authorized / :
        Handling client at on port 1390 at local port 21999
        send buffer size is 8192
        colloc,Administrator,perf123 received
        System authorized / :
        Handling client at on port 1563 at local port 21999
        send buffer size is 8192
        start,Administrator,perf123 received
        sent n
        JC-010: Monitoring system resource utilization
        In collectSamples()
        JC-014: User instructed Jensor to start data collection
        C:\Program Files\Jensor\examples
        fileDeleted = true
        JC-015: Collecting Top N Methods
        JC-016: Collecting Memory stats
        JC-017: Collecting Object Instantiations
        TypePerf spawned...
        System authorized / :
        Handling client at on port 1565 at local port 21999
        send buffer size is 8192
        colloc,Administrator,perf123 received
        JC-011: Stopping system resource utilization monitor
        JC-019: Hashtable cleared at 2009-04-30 16:55:27.485
        Process Destroyed

        Awaiting your reply......
        Please share your suggestions

        • rajani  pandala

          rajani pandala - 2009-05-04

          Adding to the above discussion once we deploy that created jar in webapps and build the tomcat server then the files in the jensor/output i.e in jensorprofile.text i am getting data.And in documentation its there like All files are written to until a Collate Records signal is received. Upon collation Jensor transfers data
          to JAW using JCE. All files in %JENSOR_HOME%\output folder are truncated. Jensor begins
          rewriting these files when a Start Session signal is issued.But
          1. when i start collate records files in output folder are not truncated.
          2.When i click on any of it :summary reports,call trace,charts,response-time spectrum i am getting pop-up with:Data unavailable.

          Awaiting for your reply...and i am very much thankful to you if you provide your valuable suggestions........

    • Amol Khanapurkar


      Am sorry but I have not been able to understand what is the relevance of Java2D demo application in context of your Tomcat application.

      In section below, I will outline the steps one needs to take to profile a Tomcat based application.

      Lets say, your application is called MyTCApp and you are interested in MyTCApp.jar

      1) First step is to instrument (which it seems, you have already done).
      a) Launch JAW.
      b) Create a project called MyTCApp (you could choose any name)
      c) Instrument your MyTCApp.jar
      d) Take the jar from %JENSOR_HOME%\projects\MyTCApp\instrumented\MyTCApp.jar
      e) Deploy it in Tomcat
      f) Copy Jensor jar in %CATALINA_HOME%\lib

      2) Jensor gets activated upon first invocation to an instrumented class / method.
      a) Access your MyTCApp application through browser URL as you would normally do.
      b) Jensor should get activated and write stdout messages on console and profiling data to JensorProfile.txt
      c) Now using JAW, Open the MyTCApp project.
      d) Do Mode -> Collate (Now you shouldnt be getting data not related to project message). One gets this message when one is trying to collate data from a project which is different from the one used for instrumentation. It is mandatory to have the same project for collation as the one used for instrumentation.
      e) If Collation is successful, it will proceed to Analysis.
      f) Upon finishing Analysis you can view profiling data.
      h) If Collation is not successful (i.e when you get data not related message, files are not truncated)

      3) To understand various analysis modules, pls. refer Jensor Usage manual.

      - Amol


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