
ENSEMBL Java API goes live

ENSEMBL Java API is a demonstration architecture for accessing Ensembl Datasystems.

We have constructed a proof-of-concept skeletal implementation that demonstrates the tractability of Java Acces to Ensembl. Specifically the API provides access to all versions of databases at Ensembl and EnsemblGenomes. It implements limited functionality to demonstrate data retrieval from current core databases, mapping between CoordinateSystems and mapping transparently between database versions where there has been a change in schema requiring alternate data access methods.

A modular design architecture allows separation of DataAccess functionality from Model Objects. Specifically separation of the DataAccess Configuration (the mapping of SQL statements to Model Objects) from the DataAccess Objects allows the configuration module to control per schema changes in access code. The software modules are published as separate Maven Artifacts.

Posted by Trevor Paterson 2010-08-17

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