Category: Software Documentation
The following PARAMETERS are defined for the JennyNet network layer. They can be set to tailor this software for application specific needs. These parameters can be set either on a layer-global level in the JennyNet class (static references) or individually for each Connection. When set on the global level, a parameter becomes active for any new connections which are created after this setting occurred. Settings on connections may be altered individually thereafter, however, only a reduced set of parameters can effectively be altered when operations on a connection has started.
In the table below parameters marked Green can be modified on a Connection
while it is in operations (started and not closed).
Parameter | Type | Default | Meaning |
BASE_THREAD_PRIORITY | int | 5 | priority of the service threads involved in data processing of this layer. This includes threads which deliver received objects to the application or handle outgoing objects handed to the layer. |
TRANSMIT_THREAD_PRIORITY | int | 8 | priority of the core data transmission threads dealing with socket communication. |
TRANSMISSION_PARCEL_SIZE | int | 32768 | the transport capacity (bytes) that a single transmission parcel may assume in maximum. |
OBJECT_QUEUE_CAPACITY | int | 200 | capacity of queues handling with data objects per connection. |
PARCEL_QUEUE_CAPACITY | int | 600 | capacity of queues handling with data parcels per connection. |
TRANSMISSION_SPEED | int | -1 | Baud setting in bytes per second for limitation of sending and receiving data over the network. -1 stands for no limitation, 0 for imposed transmission silence. |
ALIVE_PERIOD | int | 20,000 | time (milliseconds) to define the interval by which ALIVE signals will be sent to the remote station. 0 means that no ALIVE signals will be sent. |
CONFIRM_TIMEOUT | int | 10,000 | time (milliseconds) to wait for a communication confirm of the remote station. Some protocol situations require to wait for a CONFIRM signal from remote; value is the double allowed latency time for a single signal run. |
IDLE_THRESHOLD | int | 0 | amount of bytes exchanged with the remote end per minute (incoming or outgoing) to qualify a connection for BUSY or IDLE status (above or below threshold). 0 for ignore. |
SERIALISATION_METHOD | int | 0 | code number for the object serialisation method used. 0 stands for standard. Currently only Kryo is active and this setting read-only. |
MAX_SERIALISE_SIZE | int | 100 M | maximum object serialisation size. objects leading to a larger serialisation size may cause a closing error in the connection. (Does not affect file transmissions.) |
TRANSFER_ROOT_PATH | File | null | root directory for incoming file transmissions. Null implies that received file transmissions will be stored and reflected as temporary files only. (See manual on file transfers!) |
TEMP_DIRECTORY | File | TEMP | definition for TEMP directory. File transmissions may be stored in this directory before being made available to the application. Default is "". |
CODING_CHARSET | Charset | UTF-8 | text encoding used layer internal only. Must be identical on both sides of a connection. (Does not affect object serialisation.) |