
Jenetics: Java Genetic Algorithm Library / News: Recent posts

Migrate code to Mercurial

The SVN repository has been migrated to Mercurial. To clone the repository call

hg clone jenetics-main
Posted by Franz Wilhelmstötter 2012-09-28


  • The PropabilitySelector no longer sorts the population before calling the
    ProbabilitySelector.probabilities() method. The subclass must sort the
    population if needed.
  • Move Verifiyble interface to util package.
  • Change signature of the Alterer.alter(Population, int) method. Adding the
    generation of the altered phenotype.
  • Add new abstract Alterer class Recombination.
  • Move RandomRegistry into org.jenetics.util package.
  • Add org.jenetics.util.EvaluatorRegistry class.
  • Parallelize the recombination in the Recombination class.
Posted by Franz Wilhelmstötter 2008-11-13


Adding concurrent support on the fitness calculation level. New classes are ConcurrentEvaluator and ThreadedEvaluator.

Posted by Franz Wilhelmstötter 2008-10-04


  • Adding javadoc to exported zip file.
  • Moving classes
    • Array
    • ArrayIterator
    • ArrayUtils
    • BitUtils
    • Probability
    • Validator
      into new org.jenetics.util package.
  • Changing interface 'FitnessFunction'. It converts a given Genotyp<G> to an
    (more general) java.lang.Comparable instead of a double value. An additional
    generic parameter (C extends Comparable<C>) was therefor introduced in the
    FitnessScaler, Phenotype, Population, Selector and GeneticAlgorithm class.
  • Adding NumericStatistic and NumericStatisticCalculator. Move functionality
    from old Statistic class into the new NumericStatistic class.
  • Some additional helper methods in the ArrayUtils class.
  • Remove method CharacterGene.getCharacter(), use CharacterGene.getAllele()
  • adding interface org.jenetics.util.Copyable.
  • Streamline XML-Serialization.
  • Streamline toString methods and examples.
Posted by Franz Wilhelmstötter 2008-09-23


  • Removing Randomizable interface.
  • Changing the template method return value of the
    ProbabilitySelector.probabilities(Population<T>,int) from
    Probabilities[] to double[].
  • Replace array types (e.g. IntegerGene[]) with Array<T> class
    (e.g. Array<IntegerGene>). This moves all the 'unchecked' stuff in the new
    Array class.
  • Only add valid phenotypes to surviving phenotypes.
  • Caching the isValid value in AbstractChromosome and Genotype.
  • Rename util class org.jenetics.Arrays to org.jenetics.ArrayUtils.
  • Adding StatisticTest class.
  • Adding the (shortcut)method Genotype.getGene()
  • Adding the method Chromosome.getGene() to the Chromosome interface.
  • Adding the ConcurrentStatisticCalculator class.
  • Making the StatisticsCalculator class public.
Posted by Franz Wilhelmstötter 2008-07-08

Jentetics- and CVS

At last I did the first checkin in the CVS repository. This was also a good opportunity to build a new version with a view bug fixes.

Posted by Franz Wilhelmstötter 2008-03-25


New maintenance version.

Posted by Franz Wilhelmstötter 2007-10-24


In this version the ant build script has been improved and a couple of unit tests (TestNG) has been added.

Posted by Franz Wilhelmstötter 2007-09-25


New version with bug fixes in the Integer- and DoubleChromosome class. The package now contains an Ant build file and compile instructions.

Posted by Franz Wilhelmstötter 2007-09-24