
Jencode / News: Recent posts

Upcoming release of 2.5

It has been some months since the last release of jencode. However, this is just a quick note to let you all know that the project is not dead. In fact the development recently agree on the releasing of Jencode 2.5 in early July. Stay tuned, big things will be arriving soon.

Posted by Mark De Souza 2003-07-07

Late Release of 2beta15

Sorry folks for the delay. Jencode beta15 has now been release. Check the changelog for details...

Posted by Mark De Souza 2003-02-06

New Release (2beta14)

17-07-2002 Version 2beta14
Albums list now groups multi cd albums together next to the same
picture. (Album picture must be set the same)
New users are now correctly created (permissions set incorrectly).
Make now creates a jar file by default
Filenaming is much more strict and robust (all chars are alphanumeric)
Added partial translation of extended AscII chars to alphanumeric chars
Changed frame title to Jencode instead of Jencoder
Changed default package dir to /tmp/jencode/package for similarity.
Changed config option name DfCommand to DfPath for similarity.
Config options now have comments when config file is written.
Comments are now also displayed as tooltips.
Filenames now nolonger end in '_' unless the title does.
Various artist checkbox is enabled by default.

Posted by Mark De Souza 2002-07-17

Major php update in 2beta13

29-06-2002 Version 2 beta13

Fixed header problem with a few browsers. include only at the top of
html page.
Links are now generated in quotation marks.
Fixed album view problem (table in track list was not capped).
Album track lists now display the track numbers as well.
Album track lists now only display track artist if it is different to
the album artist (ie mix cd).
Altered the table sizes when viewing artists, albums and tracks for
neater looking results.
Completely redesigned the way logins are handled.
There is now a function to log people out (see jencode_auth.php).
User are logged out after 5 minutes inactivity (user definable in
There is now a function to change a users password.
You can now create and delete users via the web (must be logged in
as root).
Most errors now redirect to a new page error.php. Error handling is
now handled by jencode_error.php.
Changed includes to include_once for fast execution.... read more

Posted by Mark De Souza 2002-06-28

Jencode 2 beta 12 ready to go....

In keeping with the past, another version of Jencode is now ready for download.

Changes in client:
Jencode now checks the avalible free space before ripping/encoding and will pause if there is not enough free space.(User definable of course <grin>).
More gui tweaks.
You can now view the list of files queued up for ripping, encoding and transfer.
Database access is now optional (but highly recommended).
Fix tidy bug which produced double slashs with mp3 filname entries in the database. Still worked but fixed for completeness.
Fixed possible parse error with Cd Year if it contained illegal characters.... read more

Posted by Mark De Souza 2002-06-25

The releases just keep coming (beta 10 released)

Client Changes:
Upgraded the mysql driver from 2.0.2 to 2.0.14
Jencode will now delete old encoding directories after a crash instead of blindly exiting.
Fixed up some of the exception handling, means more accurate error reporting.
Config parser is now even more robust (able to continue after errors are found)

Server Tools:
Upgraded the mysql driver from 2.0.2 to 2.0.14
createDb is much more user friendly and will warn about creating duplicate tables and users.
Config parser is now even more robust (able to continue after errors are found)

Posted by Mark De Souza 2002-06-22

Jencode goes Beta (beta9 released)

First beta release of the new Jencode design (v2).

In this release:
* Jencode is now split into several projects (serverside, client & web).
** client - the program that produces the mp3 files
** serverside - server tools for maintance of the database
** web - set of php scripts for displaying your mp3 files on
the web
* Jencode now has the ability to configure itself and save these options to the config file.
* Fix several GUI bugs.
* Config parser is now much more robust.
* Jencode now supports custom genres. Definable in genres.conf or inside Jencode itself.
* Jencode now adds a comment with the custom genre and Jencode slogan.

Posted by Mark De Souza 2002-06-22

Jencode v.2alpha7 released!

Wow! Another Jencode release. This one is feature packed. Jencode is now fully configurable via its configuration file jencode.conf. Another feature is that jencode now supports offline ripping. It will produce a jencode package file which contains all the tracks, playlists and database files. What are you waiting for download it now....

Posted by Mark De Souza 2002-06-12

Jencode v.2alpha5 released!

After a previously buggy release, the Jencode team is happy to announce the release of a new version of Jencode. It now should work on all linux systems.

Posted by Mark De Souza 2002-06-06

Jencode Homepage is Up

Inital work, ie content has been completed for the Jencode homepage ( and well be constantly updated/improved over the next few weeks.

Posted by Mark De Souza 2002-02-04

Jencode v1 released (beta)

Not that I'll expect that there will be much use in releasing jencode v1 as nearly everything will be rewritten in version 2. However, enough people have asked for the original version as to (I guess) get an idea of what Jencode is all about. Anyway the source will be upload tonight for everyone to have a look at.

Posted by Mark De Souza 2002-01-29

Jencode project up and running

Well if you're reading this, it must be true. The Jencode project is up and running most things should be set up now. Joel will have the web page ( up soon and I'll get the cvs started.

Posted by Mark De Souza 2002-01-29