Activity for JEasyOPC

  • Hitesh Hitesh posted a comment on ticket #26

    I have created dll from lazarus ide .

  • Hitesh Hitesh created ticket #26

    Randomly getting Range check error while reading or writing opc items. Intermitent issue

  • Hitesh Hitesh posted a comment on discussion Help

    i can help you with this. i have added a group write method to it.

  • Krishna Trivedi Krishna Trivedi posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi everyone! I have a question, if i have code written in java already. And i want to communicate with PLc tags through OPC in the local server itself, what do I do next? I installed JeasyOPC and configured the OPC server. Ps I'm trying to establish communication between JADE and RSlinx

  • Krishna Trivedi Krishna Trivedi posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi everyone! I have a question, if i have code written in java already. And i want to communicate with PLc tags through OPC in the local server itself, what do I run?

  • Tiago Miranda Tiago Miranda posted a comment on discussion Help

    I had the same problem with remote connections. Looking the code, I see the function TCustomOPC.connect that search for CLSID from ProgID locally ("ProgIDToClassID(ServerProgID)"). So, to connect a remote OPC server is necessary install or configure the CLSID on local machine. For this, run regedit on remote host and search (Ctrl+F) the progID OPC server. Copy the CLSID and create a similar registry at local host with regedit.

  • Marionel Estévez Bueno Marionel Estévez Bueno posted a comment on discussion Help

    Did anyone find a solution for this problem?

  • Eduardo Castillo Eduardo Castillo posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello everyone, Good morning Any idea to solve this problem ? String[] opcServers = JOpcBrowser.getOpcServers("localhost"); Exception in thread "main" javafish.clients.opc.exception.HostException: Host not found: localhost at javafish.clients.opc.browser.JOpcBrowser.getOpcServers( thanks for your help

  • Eduardo Castillo Eduardo Castillo posted a comment on ticket #20

    Hello good morning :) . Did you solve your problem with "Host not found: localhost" exception? I'm having the same problem. JOpcBrowser.coInitialize(); String[] opcServers = JOpcBrowser.getOpcServers("localhost"); Exception in thread "main" javafish.clients.opc.exception.HostException: Host not found: localhost at javafish.clients.opc.browser.JOpcBrowser.getOpcServers(

  • Malanin Maxim Malanin Maxim created ticket #25

    How use lib to JavaEE

  • Jose carlos Jose carlos posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have similar problem. I may access OPC server on local host. But i have problem...

  • Peter Creemers Peter Creemers posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Nicolas, Was there anything done with above question? Is it possible to have it...

  • dima_toxsoft dima_toxsoft modified a comment on discussion Help

    I connect opcserver with jeasyopc, but the jvm crash (run about 10 minutes), the...

  • dima_toxsoft dima_toxsoft modified a comment on discussion Help

    I connect opcserver with jeasyopc, but the jvm crash (run about 10 minutes), the...

  • dima_toxsoft dima_toxsoft posted a comment on discussion Help

    I connect opcserver with jeasyopc, but the jvm crash (run about 10 minutes), the...

  • dima_toxsoft dima_toxsoft posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi everybody, I use 32 bit dll with 32 bit jdk under 64 bit windows. It works well....

  • dima_toxsoft dima_toxsoft modified a comment on discussion Help

    2 SoftwareEngineer I try to make it by Lazarus, but compiler fails with pile errors....

  • dima_toxsoft dima_toxsoft posted a comment on discussion Help

    2 SoftwareEngineer I try to make it by Lazarus, but compiler fails with pile errors....

  • Philo Philo posted a comment on discussion Help

    I use the code like this:String[] opcServers = JOpcBrowser.getOpcServers("localhost");...

  • YJOPC YJOPC posted a comment on discussion Help

    Put jCustomOPC.dll into %JAVAHOME%/bin. Have a nice day!

  • El Ultri El Ultri posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi. I made a project in NetBeans using jeasyopc. When I run in NetBeans the project...

  • Ameya Chandrayan Ameya Chandrayan posted a comment on ticket #14

    Hello, I am facing the similar problem of Synchronous reading or writing error. Did...

  • buestad buestad posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi! I have the exact same problem with va_list JNI.pas(515,90) Error: Identifier...

  • ItsMe ItsMe created ticket #24

    Ignore defect OPC Items