
#16 Values not showing up when I'm sending from master to outstation

Feature (1)


I'm running into an odd issue. I'm trying to send data from a master device to jDNP3 (outstation), and according to the logs generated by jDNP3, the application itself appears to have accecpted the value, but it is not showing up on the web interface nor in Python.

The data I am looking for is CA03290128010009003700000000 ( which I confirmed via wireshark) .

So this brings up a question, does jDNP3 support displaying values when sent from the master to the outstation or is this a bug?

1 Attachments


  • Graeme Farquharson

    Bug or missing feature.

    I beleive the statement above is a SELECT.

    JDNP3 does not currently support SELECT, or if it does in any manner, I doubt it will do it well. This is simply because it is not something I required at the time I wrote this. DIRECT OPERATE is the only mode of operation implemented.

    If you confirm this is what you are attempting to do, I will file it under feature request.

  • Stephen

    Stephen - 2018-04-22

    Yes, I double check this with wireshark and I can confirm that the master is sending the command via SELECT.

    In the meantime, I'll see if I can use turn the master RTAC to a DIRECT OPERATE and make do with that until further notice.


    Last edit: Stephen 2018-04-22
  • Graeme Farquharson

    • labels: --> Feature
  • Graeme Farquharson

    I no longer have access to the IEEE 1815-2012 standard. I will have to dig through my notes and see if I have enough information to implement this. I will provide a time frame in the next couple of weeks.

  • Graeme Farquharson

    • status: open --> accepted
  • Stephen

    Stephen - 2018-04-22

    I might have my copy somewhere, let me do some digging.

  • Graeme Farquharson

    Apologies. I have deleted the post as there are some restictions on the standard. However, I have detailed notes on this part of the standard. I have not finished going through these yet. But it should be enough.

    I appreciate the effort you put in to assist with this effort none the less.

  • Graeme Farquharson

    • status: accepted --> closed
  • Graeme Farquharson

    The outstation will now respond to select/operate. as of 0.12.0. It is a hack though. Select is essentially an echo and operate just maps to direct operate. However, it will work.


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