
JDEEP Eclipse Plugin / News: Recent posts

Jdeep: 0.3.4 released

The Java Development Effort Eclipse Plugin (JDEEP) is a tool for developers to monitor coding time. The purpose of this plugin is to help the developers to evaluate their productivity in software implementation.

The new released 0.3.4 come with the following fixed bug:

- bug #1957292 fixed

Posted by Daniele Pasini 2008-05-19

Jdeep: 0.3.3 released

The Java Development Effort Eclipse Plugin (JDEEP) is a tool for developers to monitor coding time. The purpose of this plugin is to help the developers to evaluate their productivity in software implementation.

The new released 0.3.3 come with the following fixed bug:

-bug #1946531
-bug #1951500

Posted by Daniele Pasini 2008-04-27

Jdeep 0.3.2 out now

Release 0.3.2 available for download.

Brief change log:
- Jdeep view has now a double view: one for global logged time and one for the current session time. You can switch the view with two icon button
- code clean up

Posted by Daniele Pasini 2008-04-07

Jdeep 0.3.1 out now

brief change log:
added feature #1924977, Jdeep has now a new view with a nested tree that reflect the files hierarchy's. This tree gives a more simple and clear reading

Posted by Daniele Pasini 2008-03-28

Jdeep v0.3.0 made available

brief change log:
added feature #1896438, writing data is now scheduled at fixed time (every minutes).
Jdeep view has now a refresh icon to update information.

Posted by Daniele Pasini 2008-03-03

Working for new release

We're preparing a new version of JDEEP that will be available soon. After many commits on CVS repository we've implemented new features that will made the plugin more usable and reliable.

Posted by Pesso 2008-03-01

important update to 0.2.1

with this release we've fixed the bug#1891371
for more info

Posted by Daniele Pasini 2008-02-16

new release 0.2.0

A new release (0.2.0) is available on the repository. The new package now contains a new view.
For more information see the change log and release note

Posted by Daniele Pasini 2008-01-29

Jdeep is now available to download

Jdeep is now available to download form Sourceforge repository!

We remember you that Jdeep is still in alpha version, you can use it to test how it works and to test it. We're working in order to make
improvement on Jdeep view.

The jar package also contains the source code.
Any suggestion and bug notifications are welcomed!

Posted by Daniele Pasini 2008-01-25

New documentation available

We've published the technical documentation to help you to understand the source code of JDEEP. You can find it at

If you want to help us to improve our plugin you find a new section "how to contribute" at

Posted by Pesso 2008-01-05

Update to first build

We’ve updated the first build of JDEEP adding new functionalty and resolving some problems. You can find a detailed description of new features at

Posted by Pesso 2007-12-30

first build

We've published the first build of JDEEP. Th source is available on the CVS repository. It's a working in progress, some feature are not yet implemented. More info on will be available on the project web site

Posted by Daniele Pasini 2007-12-24

We've published the project plan

You can see how we want to structure JDEEP plug-in. At you also discover the features of our project.

Any suggestion is welcomed.

Posted by Pesso 2007-11-04