
XlTable clipboard format

  • Emmanuel Bourg

    Emmanuel Bourg - 2017-03-27


    Is it possible to use the XlTable clipboard format with JDDE? I'm trying to port a DDE server using the NevaObject JavaDDE library to JDDE and I'm stuck on this issue. With NevaObject I used to do:

    int tableFormatId = DdeServer.ddeRegisterClipboardFormat("XlTable");

    This returned a format number received in the onRequest methods. But I can't see the equivalent with JDDE. The ClipboardFormat enum contains only the basic CF types. Did I miss something?

  • Emmanuel Bourg

    Emmanuel Bourg - 2017-03-28

    I eventually worked around the issue by using JNA:

    int tableFormatId = User32.INSTANCE.RegisterClipboardFormat("XlTable");
  • Alexander Kozlov

    ClipboardFormat.registerClipboardFormat() was added in the latest release 2.1.0


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