
Release 2.3 of DbForms is available

Release Notes for DbForms Version 2.4, 2004-08-02


1) About this release

2) Details about enhancements and changes

2-1) Changes to the tag library

2-1-1) New attribute overrideFieldCheck for db:dbform tag

2-1-2) Added title attribute to tags

2-1-3) Added country support for locale

2-1-4) Added autocomplete attribute to dbforms tag

2-1-5) Changed autoupdate attribute of dbforms tag

2-1-6) New attribute compareWith for SearchCombo

2-1-7) Added tag DbSearchCheckBox

2-2) Changes to configuration

2-2-1) Added contextDataSource as attribute to dbconnection tag in config file

2-2-2) Added global interceptor to dbforms-config.xml

2-3) Others

2-3-1) Support for html/database escaping

2-3-2) Fully supported servletapi 2.4 and jspapi 2.0

1) About this release


This is a developers release, be careful to use this release in an

important production environment, but you are encouraged to try out this

release. Please report any problems or comments to the mailing list of

the project

This documents summarizes the changes since last official release 2.3.

2) Details about enhancements and changes


2-1) Changes to the tag library


2-1-1) New attribute overrideFieldCheck for db:dbform tag


If set to true the field values will not be checked if they are changed.

The database update will be done always.

This could be usefull if you want to call your interceptor always to

check fields which are not part of the table.

In your interceptor you can use return DbEventInterceptor.IGNORE_OPERATION

if you do not want the database update

2-1-2) Added title attribute to tags


You can know use the title attribute for all tags. So tooltips can be supported for IE.

2-1-3) Added country support for locale


Know also the country attribut is used in locales

2-1-4) Added autocomplete attribute to dbforms tag


If the autocomplete value is specified then the attribute is inserted in the form tag.

if the value is "off" and if the browser has autocompletion ability, it can be disabled with this tag.

Any value will be accepted for autocomplete. e.g. autocomplete="any",

the generated HTML code is: <form name="dbforms" ... autocomplete="any" ... >

2-1-5) Changed autoupdate attribute of dbforms tag


If set to "true", at every action (navigation, insert, update, etc.) all input fields of ALL currently rendered rowsets are parsed and updated.

if set to "OnUpdateOnly", updates are only performed if an explicite "update"- action is launched

(normally by hitting the updateAction-button)

2-1-6) New attribute compareWith for SearchCombo


If set to "index" the index value will be used to compare against the selected value.

If set to "value" the value value will be used to compare against the selected value.

If set to "list" the index of the list will be used to compare against the selected value

default is "index".

2-1-7) Added tag DbSearchCheckBox


This tag will render a checkbox with a dedicated value for searching

2-2) Changes to configuration


2-2-1) Added contextDataSource as attribute to dbconnection tag in config file


With the contextDataSource attribute you can use existing DataSource-Object from

servlet-context-scope (e.g. from struts-config.xml):

you just have to add a "contextDataSource" property to dbforms-config.xml

with the name of the scoped-Variable.

2-2-2) Added global interceptor to dbforms-config.xml


You can add an global interceptors now:








The interceptor tag has the same attributes as the interceptor tag inside the

table attribute!

2-3) Others


2-3-1) Support for html/database escaping


Escapers can be set for tables, fields in dbforms-config file, all output tags in the

jsp page.

Ranking is:

1. jsp tag

2. Field

3. Table

4. default escaper

See javadoc for details of escaper interface.

2-3-2) Fully supported servletapi 2.4 and jspapi 2.0


Servletapi 2.4 with jspapi 2.0 is fully suported now.

Nethertheless dbforms is compiled against servletapi 2.3 because compiling against servletapi 2.4

and deploying to an servletapi 2.3 machine (e.g. tomcat 4) will lead to an wrong signature error.

The missing interfaces from javax.servlet.jsp.el to compile with servletapi 2.3 there are included

in the file jsp-api-el-2.0.jar of the distribution.

To compile against servletapi 2.3 you must include the files of the directory

dependend/servletapi2.3 in your classpath.

To compile against servletapi 2.4 you must include the files of the directory

dependend/servletapi2.4 in your classpath.

Posted by Henner Kollmann 2004-08-04

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