

Gilles Vuidel


Darcy creates cartogram from 2 sets of related points : source points and image points. The resulting cartogram shows the local deformations to fit image points to source points. The local deformations are calculated by the bidimensional regression defined by Waldo Tobler.

1 Load your source and image points (Luxembourg sample data)

2 Apply an euclidean or affine transformation if needed (Adjustment menu).

3 Calculates the cartogram (Interpolation menu)

Sample datasets :

French manual :

A french web page is available here :


D'ARCY THOMPSON W., 1917, 1948, On growth and form, MacMillan, New York, 1 116 p.
D'ARCY THOMPSON W., 1994, Forme et croissance, Traduit par Teyssié D., Seuil, CNRS, Paris, 336 p.
CAUVIN C., REYMOND H. et al., 1986, Nouvelles méthodes en cartographie, Collection RECLUS Mode d'Emploi, Maison de la Géographie, Montpellier, 56 p.
CAUVIN C., 1995, « Transformaçoes cartograficas espaciais e anamorfes ». Chapitre 7, dans Os mapas em Portugal. Da tradioçao aos novos rumos da Cartografia. Ediçoes Cosmos, Lisboa, p. 269-310
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TOBLER W.R., 1965, "Computation of the correspondance of geographical patterns", Papers of the Regional Science Association, vol. 15, p. 131-139.
TOBLER W.R., 1978, "Comparisons of plane forms", The Geographical Analysis, vol. X, n° 2, p. 154-162.
TOBLER W.R., 1994, "Bidimensional regression: a complete program", Geographical Analysis, vol. 26, n° 3, p. 187-212.