
Java CounterStrike Game Probe / News: Recent posts

Beta coming soon

We have just reached an incredible milestone here. GUI implementation has been successful! Expect to see a new beta version, either 0.3 or 0.4 to be released by 09/10/2002.

The new beta will have full GUI imlementation, eye candy will come later. Our current goals are getting the GUI fully functional before we start tinkering with it.

Posted by Mitch Davis 2002-10-07

JCSGP - Release 0.2a

JCSGP 0.2a was ready for release well before it's initial date (next week). 0.2a allows the querying of numerous CounterStrike servers, and sorting them as specified by the user.

The code is in desperate need for streamlining and better memory management, expect that to happen with the next version.

The next release will be a beta version, the first beta will still be text only, but afterwards, Swing and AWT will be utilized.

Posted by Mitch Davis 2002-10-05

JCSGP - 0.2a - Release set for 10/09/2002

Tons of progress has been made on JCSGP (Java CounterStrike Game Probe). Total reimplimentation of key classes yield much better results. Game servers can now be sorted ascending and descending by; servername, ip, ping, player count, maximum players, and mapname. Server counts over 100 will be supported.

0.2a will be the last alpha release. From there, we will progress forward into beta, where we will begin implimentation of Swing and AWT for a GUI.

Posted by Mitch Davis 2002-10-04

Functional Alpha version!

Version 0.1.3a is actually functional. Make yourself a server list in an ANSI text file with this format:
and run with:
java CSGameProbe servers.ip
where servers.ip is the name of the ANSI text file for the servers.

the next release (0.2a) will once again, introduce a different (and final) implementation of key classes. 0.2a is the last version of the alpha stage.... read more

Posted by Mitch Davis 2002-10-04