
Jcrontab / News: Recent posts


Solved bug to manage the Year correctly thanks to Vincent.
Added a copy constructor to the CrontabEntryBean
Updated the to remove store(CrontabEntryBean ceb),
this has been replaced by the right logic in the CrontabEntryBeanDAO to maintain
only store(CrontabEntryBean[] cebs)
Added, this feature is added to
make easier to use Jcrontab in testing enviroments and to make it easier to use
in programatic environments.
Added Avalon to component the ability to pass a parameter named "start" that controls whether to start or not the component.
Added Avalon component wrapper so JCrontab can be used as an avalon component
Added XMLParser to read and store CrontabEntryBeans in xml format
Added XMLSource to manage CrontabEntryBeans in xml format
Solved bug with years logic now the years work like the rest of fields
Added patch 838865 thanks to dp4b
Added bin dir this directory will the place to save the scripts to start/stop Jcrontab as an standalone app
Solved nasty bug with */0 thanks to Guenter
Solved bug to compare the Year correctly
Added MemorySourceWithOutPersistence to help in testing and automatic

Posted by Israel Olalla 2005-05-17

JJSR 236 Timer for Application Servers

There' a new JSR in the block, will define the Timer for the App Servers.
What do you think, should Jcrontab follow this JSR?

Posted by Israel Olalla 2003-12-08



There's a new release of Jcrontab.
There are no major features in the Jcrontab-1.4.1 its only a maintenance
release, but there are a lot of bugfixes and this is the reason why is
recommended to use it.

This are the release change changes:

Updated copyright notice
changed org.jcrontab.Jcrontab to adapt to the right message
Added default values to CrontabEntryBean to avoid nulls in SQLSource
updated GenericSQLSource to remove effectively the CrontabEntryBean
Applied patch 801052 thanks to Hans Benedict
Applied patch 801051 thanks to Hans Benedict
updated FileSource to remove correctly the CrontabEntryBean
Added junit tests to the ant build.xml
Removed read more

Posted by Israel Olalla 2003-09-16



There's a new release of Jcrontab. There are no major features in the 1.4 release is only a maintenance release, but there are a lot of bugfixes and this is the reason why is recommended to use it.

This are the release change changes:

Added Basic support for Beans from Tim Stephenson
Changed MANIFEST.MF to adapt it to the last log4j
Solved bug 769389, now NativeExec works on XP
Adapted to jdk1.4.2 to solve finally mess
Solved a few Deprecation messages
Modified MANIFEST.MF to new log4j
Solved bug 768516, now refresh the list of events every X minutes not hours
Added 666565 patch, to GenericSQL
Removed classpath from MANIFEST.MF
Improved Jcrontab message to adapt it to the real behaviour... read more

Posted by Israel Olalla 2003-08-06


This new release of Jcrontab, includes support for businessdays logic, a
business days DataSource based simply on a file with the days, is very easy
to adapt it to your needs and read wcal holidays or from a DD.BB.
Added ClassLoaderSource, to make it more easy to integrate with app-server, thanks to Sergey Udalstov.
Solves a bug with win32 NativeExec, bug 624711 thanks to bago75, and adds more
junit tests.

Posted by Israel Olalla 2002-11-07


solves really bug 600127 and a bug with create.sql it adds too an ALTER TABLE.

Posted by Israel Olalla 2002-08-30


This new release of Jcrontab, includes support for seconds and years in SQLDataSource, has been added a few changes to support WebLogic and now is included in tested platforms thanks to Bill Horsman, more bugs(600127) solved and a new test has been added to make Jcrontab more easy to test.

The next release will add an xml format to make it easier to use without DD.BB and will include in this xml new features as seconds, years, bussines days, etc.... read more

Posted by Israel Olalla 2002-08-30


The release-1.1 of jcrontab is out, there's a few work in the basics preparing the future releases with new junit tests, creating CrontabParser, adding years, seconds, etc. but the most important activity is in integration with third tools like Fulcrum framework(Turbine), thanks to Eric Phuge ;-).

Posted by Israel Olalla 2002-08-16

Jcrontab 1.0

Jcrontab is ready for a final release. After a great job with everybody looking
for bugs, can say that Jcrontab is ready for production enviroment.
This Release corrects a few nasty bugs like org.jcrontab.Jcrontab and other
little "pills".
Thanks to everybody for the effort and the great job done.

Posted by Israel Olalla 2002-06-05


This is the last preRelease before jcrontab will be ready for a final release.
This Release is an effort to make jcrontab easier to integrate and more easy to use.
Now jcrontab creates automatically the files it needs if it doesn't find those.
Has a new Logger to make it easier to integrate with other projects and adds a
better help for web Editor.

Change Log 1.0
Added a better help in web interface
Corrected NullPointerException Bug at FileSource
changed properties.cfg to
changes events.cfg to crontab
Added suport for reinit at Cron level
Added Logging facilities
Added org.jcrontab.log package
Added jEditLogger Logger
Added log4JLogger Logger

Posted by Israel Olalla 2002-05-19

added jEdit plugin

In the cvs is included the new jedit plugin this plugin let's jcrontab work as part of jedit.
To compile it use ant jedit and to run it take a look a src/org/jcrontab/jedit .

Posted by Israel Olalla 2002-04-30

added jEdit plugin

In the cvs is included the new jedit plugin this plugin let's jcrontab work as part of jedit.
To compile it use ant jedit and to run it take a look a src/org/jcrontab/jedit .

Posted by Israel Olalla 2002-04-30

jcrontab-0.9 released


This new release have been in testing during the last month without Exceptions, and is
ready for the "real live".

The new Features are:
- Mail: Jcrontab sends an email when the task is over with the result of the task
right now this feature has a few limitations but is fully functional, and works
- Doc: The javadoc has been corrected and completed.
- Web interface: corrected and completed.
- Bugs corrected: a few nasty bugs fell with this release.... read more

Posted by Israel Olalla 2002-04-18



jcrontab-0.8 is out, the main features of the release are:
\- Jcrontab Editor: a simple web interface to delete and add crontab 
    Entries. It uses xml+xsl and can be easilly adapted to easilly
    control jcrontab entries via web.
    to Test it can do:
    \#ant war 
    and copy war/jcrontab.war to you favorite webapp server.
    Tested with Tomcat \(3.3 & 4.0\).
    In the next release will test in more app-servers
\- Native Execution: There's a class org.jcrontab.NativeExec to make 
    easier to launch native code programs.
    Can be easily tested if your program can be launched with this 
    java org.jcrontab.NativeExec ls -la

\- Bugs: A few bugs have been fixed.

The next release will be to improve jcrontab in general with three 
targets doco, web interface and testing.

If you have used sometime the cvs can download using tag jcrontab\_08

Not sure but maybe the next release is directly 1.0

Hope it helps.

Posted by Israel Olalla 2002-03-03


Here is the new relase of Jcrontab.
It includes a SQLDataSource this means now it can/read/remove CrontabEntries from Databases(JDBC). To create a Datamodel can use as reference etc/create.sql, this is only a example you can doit yourself and adapt the queries at org/jcontab/ to your model.

It solves a nasty bug in org.jcrontab.jcrontab. Thanks to Chris Bitmead.

It includes to the new webpage, but it continues being the same "thing" that was the other... any ideas for the webpage are welcome.... read more

Posted by Israel Olalla 2002-01-13

new web page released

Yep... we have a new web page... this is not the good one... but at least has a few more info.

Enjoy it.

Posted by Israel Olalla 2002-01-11

jcrontab-0.6 has been released

jcrontab-0.6 has been released. Now if some change is done to "events.cfg"
, the jcrontab refreshes the changes with the iTimeTableGenerationFrec
(minutes) parameter of the crontab. The other point is that now Cron does
wait until the next event no until the next minute as did in the past.

This release solves a major bug of jcrontab-0.5 \(NullPointerException i

This release have been more tested and is more "stable" in API's than 0.5
what means that this should be the final desing for release 1.0.

In the next release will have a SQL datasource and a better javadoc.
Posted by Israel Olalla 2001-12-27

released jcrontab-0.5

This release solves a few bugs an presents the redesing done in jcrontab-0.4, now is more efficient, wastes less memory and avoids linkedLists use.
And it add a LoadOnStartUpServlet as example of user to make it easier to integrate it with app-servers.
The next release will solve the two bugs and will add more documentation.

Posted by Israel Olalla 2001-12-24

Released jcrontab-0.4

This version will exist only in the cvs and is the first step to grant stability and stable interfaces.

The objective with this release is to show all the changes done in order to fully redesign DataSources ant in order to grant stability in the near future until release 1.0

The next release will be out in File release and will include good JavaDoc and hopefully an stable API

Posted by Israel Olalla 2001-11-22

Released jcrontab-0.3

After a few days of work got release 0.3 out ... the next will be only in CVS will add interfaces to make jcrontab more easy to integrate in other projects. After this release Interfaces and packages could be considered stables

Posted by Israel Olalla 2001-10-09



We have a servlet that generates a first visual interfaze with jcrontab... I am working in documentation and of course in improving the whole thing a litle bit...

Posted by Israel Olalla 2001-10-07

Designing ... the whole thing

Yep... with your help and we are redesigning the whole thing in order to make it more easy to extend and use... and in order to use dessing patterns to make it more easy to understand....

In the next 2-3 weeks will send to the CVS everything redesigned ...

Posted by Israel Olalla 2001-08-08

Added support for calling Methods

Finally i had time to add support for calling methods not only classes ..thanks to chris bitmead.

Posted by Israel Olalla 2001-07-15

Added Thread Support

As you know the system only supported Crontask clases from today it supports Threads... cleanly

Posted by Israel Olalla 2001-04-16

Web page first release

Finally we get the first release of jcrontab's web page.

Posted by Israel Olalla 2001-04-15