
#125 [win32] User bookmark group win32 specific entries

File Tab (3)

Under Windows XP I have all my frequently used drives
mapped in the Network Neighborhood. I do not wanna map
them as regular drives, especially since I have to
specify the PWD every time I use it. So, the Network
Neighborhood is something I really use in on regular basis.

Any aims to have them supported by default in the next


  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-04-24

    Logged In: YES

    This one is a little bit tricky. We are talking about a
    Windows integration issue. This feature isn't implemented
    and, additionally, one cannot get directly even to the
    desktop or the "My Documents" folder.

    Do you think that the contents of the Network Neighborhood
    should go in a bookmark group? Should it also go to the
    panel's tree like in Windows Explorer?

  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-04-25

    Logged In: YES

    HOW it is done I do not mind. I wanna have the preconfigured
    Network-Neighborhood for usage. Also I do not wanna fumble
    too much around.

    Most preferablly solution: it should look like Total
    Commander. i.e. in the Partitions a Icon4Network+'\' next to
    the drives and clicking on it, the predefined
    Network-Neighborhood should open in the Panel below.

    More questions?

    BTW: I'm little bit surprised about the 'Desktop' and the
    'My Documents', cause there are more or less short-cuts to
    the users, aren't they? (Not that I wanna have them, but I
    do not use them anyhow.)

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-04-26

    Logged In: YES

    I agree with you but integrating a win32 specific feature
    that also requires native code is always more difficult than
    deciding on a generic behavior. I would not like to rely on
    hacks for new features integrate into the existing framework
    (like in Total Commander where file system plugins'
    functionality can be accessed only from the Network

    While we sort out how to do this feature right there is an
    alternative, though not that handy. You can use the
    File/Open Location (Ctrl+L) command from the menu to display
    the system's directory chooser dialog. There you have access
    to the root of the Windows' logical directory tree (Desktop
    as root and My Documents, My Computer, My Network Places as

  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    I see. I've done a little search and found two possibilities:

    but, frankly said, don't know if the work anyhow.

    Another Quick'nDirty trick I've see is something like

    File f=new File("\Network Neighborhood")

    but this does not seem to work - although didn't look toom
    in detail.

    Bottomline: I personally see it as 'showstopper' for
    everybody who is using windows and a preset of

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    The first link is for the NFS network protocol which is not
    supported natively by Windows. What we're interested in is
    the SMB protocol implemented in pure Java by JCIFS. The
    Jakarta Commons VFS library which JCommander uses relies on
    the services of the JCIFS library for accessing SMB shares
    (regular Windows shares), so this is not a problem.

    The problem with the current release of VFS is its inability
    to browse the SMB network itself (a feature available in
    JCIFS) but only contents of shares. So if you use the
    "File/Open Location" menu option you can open shares from
    "My Network Places", but only those for which do not require
    authentication or for which you already authenticated.

    It is also required to have the ability to see the user's
    favourite network shares. It's good that you pointed out the
    quick&dirty solution because I remembered that the
    JFileChooser in Swing has the ability to browse "My Network
    Places". However, JFileChooser is poorly architected (read
    "hacked") so that no public API is available to read the
    contents of "My Network Places". And instead of digging into
    proprietary packages (com.sun.*) I would suggest to use JNI
    to get the list directly from the operating system.

    But I would see this implemented once VFS 1.1 will be out
    and the SMB authentication callback mechanism is
    incorporated. At that point this would become a fully
    functional feature.

  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    Regarding your last comment, I would be interested in a

    Regarding the JFileChooser I made a simple Google Search and
    found the following links:

    I guess it's all what you wanna have:

    • pure Java-means
    • platform-independent
    • ready to launch

    So, the only think I don't know, is if you already using it.
    But guessing from the feedback, I would say no. So, perhaps
    that's another alternative???

  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    Only as a response from my last tests. Ctrl-L opens the
    location, but

    1) I cannot execute any kind of files from the
    Network-paths. As well as the association of files does not
    launch the app. An Error is displayed:

    'Error finding programm associated for file:////...'

    2) Adding a dir as a Quickdir does not work. Don't know why,
    cause it worked with 0.7.0.

    If you think it's worth to handle it outside of this Feature
    Request => Please handle it the way you like.

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    I renamed the feature request to better show its purpose.

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    I have committed a change that extends the functionality of
    the newly implemented feature request: [ 1477692 ] Provide
    bookmark group with common user directories

    What this change does is provide the following entries to
    the "User" bookmark group:
    - "My Documents" bookmark
    - "Desktop" bookmark
    - "My Network Places" bookmark group

    It is important to note that "My Network Places" shows up
    most probably only on Sun Java Runtimes. This is because I
    use the internal class of the JRE.
    On other runtimes the bookmark group should not be visible
    at all.

    Please see the latest development build and let me know how
    it works:

    In order to see the changes please delete the
    jcommander.jcmdbmk file from your home directory before
    running the new development version.

    Regarding bookmark group additions (like in QuickDirs), I
    will look into this when finalizing the bookmark manager

  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-05-02

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry, for little delay in testing.

    The "My Network Places" does not show up and therefore I am
    little bit confursed about the meanig of 'only on Sun Java
    Runtimes' especially since the other entries are displayed
    and work very well, i.e.

    • Home
    • Temporary Directory
    • Desktop
    • My Documents

    So, any idea why the Network Places do not shop up, while
    the others do? The log is not very eloquent reg. this issue.

    BTW: I have currently installed 1.5.06 JRE incl. SDK.

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-08-09

    Logged In: YES

    I also apologize in the delay of the response :-(

    Could you please try out the latest development build which
    has better logging? Here you can find it:

  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-08-11


  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-08-11

    Logged In: YES

    Looking in the Log-File I guess it has to do with where the
    Home-Dir is set in Windows. And therefore it cannot find the


    BTW: The exception at the beginning of the start-file has
    any kind of meaning?

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-08-11

    Logged In: YES

    The exception might provide a clue. Could you please post it?

  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-08-11

    Logged In: YES

    ? it is included in the post, just see below ?

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-08-11

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry, but I don't see it...

  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-08-11

    Logged In: YES

    Search for 'jcommander.log' on this site, and you should
    find it.

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-09-21

    Logged In: YES

    Unfortunately the attached jcommander.log does not say much
    about this. And I fail to see exceptions there.

  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-09-21

    File with Exception

  • LeO

    LeO - 2006-09-21

    Logged In: YES

    hm :( forgotten.


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