
#124 Command Line Interface

Integration (7)

A simple command line interface is required for
JCommander for specifying certain actions on startup.
For now however the mainly required arguments are
required for the implementation of the feature requests
1366374 "Enforce singleton JCommander instance"
and 1470472 "JCommander as a download manager"

I propose the following initial version of the command
line interface:

-newTab [leftPanelRoot [rightPanelRoot]] - opens a new
tab in the last used JCommander window with the panels
pointing to the specified root directories (if any)
-newWindow [leftPanelRoot [rightPanelRoot]] - opens a
new JCommander window and opens a new tab in it with
the panels pointing to the specified root directories
(if any)
-copyFiles file(,file)* - opens the copy confirmation
dialog in the active tab of the last used JCommander window
-copyDefaultTarget file - specifies the default target
for the copy operation

The implementation should probably use Commons CLI library.


  • Mike Grigorov

    Mike Grigorov - 2006-05-22

    Logged In: YES

    With regard to the Singleton Instance it is needed to have
    two more parameters - preferred port range and a way to
    disable the singleton instance feature. I would propose the
    following syntax:
    -singletonPort <start>-<end>

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-05-23

    Logged In: YES

    These sound reasonable to me.

  • Matthias K

    Matthias K - 2006-06-14

    Logged In: YES

    A command line option for comparing files and directories
    would probably usefull, too. Something like
    -compareFiles file, file
    -compareFiles file, file, file (for left, right, ancestor)

  • Mike Grigorov

    Mike Grigorov - 2006-06-14

    Logged In: YES

    I think that after my tests I have collected the information
    required regarding the CLI usage in JCMD. I will prepare a
    sample design for the level after parsing parameters since I
    think that after passing though the command line parser it
    will be better to have something of higher level than just a
    bunch of parameters and values.
    Do you think it will be better design to have a single
    object that will contain all possible parameters with their
    default values, or have some set of objects implementing
    some interface and proper instances will be added depending
    on an option presence. My personal opinion is that a single
    'run' configuration is better solution because it seems muck

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-06-14

    Logged In: YES

    Since there won't be a too big number of command line
    arguments, I am of the same oppinion of using a single object.

  • Mike Grigorov

    Mike Grigorov - 2006-07-12

    Logged In: YES

    I would like to continue working on this feature, but I need
    some clarity on the newWindow command which seems to be
    almost obsolete.

    As I see it, newWindow must mean that there should be no
    check for already running instance. A new JCMD instance must
    be allowed to run. Here comes the first question - should
    this instance try to register istelf as a single instance if
    it discovers that it is the first started instance?
    Also, a problem will arise when closing the two
    simultaneously running instance because they will save
    different locations for the first tab.

    For me there is another solution that seems clearer: add two
    parameters (e.g. -left and -right) that will expect folder
    locations. If the instance starting is a first inscance -
    setup the default tab with the specifierd locations.
    Otherwise act as if -newTab was specified. And have no
    -newWindow command. We will keep the -newTab in order to be
    able to run a first instance of JCMD and tell it to open the
    specified locations in a new tab and not in the default one.

    I await your comments.

  • sky_HALud

    sky_HALud - 2006-07-14

    Logged In: YES

    From how I see it, the newWindow parameter should open up a
    new workbench window and not start another instance. It
    should actually open the JCommander perspective in a
    separate window. The problem right now is that window
    management in JC isn't really working yet. For instance you
    can set in the preferences for new perspectives to open up
    in new workbench windows, but the exit confirmation, if
    enabled, will show up when closing each of these windows.
    And, additionally, the state of all the open windows is not

    In fact the newWindow parameter should be the default
    parameter when JC is launched without any parameters.

    Right now I'm on vacation and I'm not really able to work on
    JC, so I cannot really help out with coding at this time
    (and up to the end of the next week). If the above
    explanation is clear to you and you would like to deal with
    the implementation of this parameter's behavior, then please
    do so. I will be available though for additional discussions
    in this period.


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