
JCR 0.7.0rc1 released

JCR 0.7.0rc1 is now available.

JCR is a web application for performing and managing formal code reviews. It can be used for reviews of any type of source code, although it has some special smarts for reviewing Java projects, and for managing large code reviews. JCR has many features to make code reviews as fast and convenient as possible. These include fast navigation through files and comments, several ways of presenting comments for inspection, drill-down into referenced Java classes (for Java reviews only, of course), and the ability to view comments made on the same file in earlier reviews.

The main change in 0.7.0rc1 is support for creating review projects directly from Subversion repositories, without having to upload the code to be reviewed. This is the first of a number of planned Version Control Systems to be supported. This version of JCR also provides some configuration control over code syntax highlighting (by file extension), and includes the obligatory bug fixes without which no self-respecting release is complete.

Version 0.7.0rc1 requires a database schema upgrade, and also a one-line change in the configuration file. These can be done automatically after the upgrade, or manually if you prefer - see the CHANGES file for details.

You can download the new release from, or check out the home page at

Enjoy ............................. JD

Posted by John Dickson 2012-12-15

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