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File Date Author Commit
 src 2010-12-24 rahulkarwa [r1] first version of the gameof life
 README.txt 2010-12-24 rahulkarwa [r3] adding README
 pom.xml 2010-12-24 rahulkarwa [r2] set compiler plugin to use java 1.5 features

Read Me

Release notes:
		- Overall design
		- Executes the default 4 rules of the game
		- Generates next generation in the universe
		- Tested with Toad pattern alongwith some random testing

Future Release Plans (in priority)
		- Implement all the junits
		- Test Controller with more patterns
		- Bug fixes and code cleanup
		- Integrate with Web UI
		- Integrate with Spring IoC
		- Save the generations in Universe
		- Optimize the reproduction rule as currently it take O(n power 2)

Running the game

Environment setup:
maven, SVN client, Java1.5 and above

1. Do svn checkout 

svn co  gameoflife 

2. Build application through maven
cd gameoflife
mvn clean install

This will test all the test cases.

3. To run Controller test
mvn test -Dtest=GameControllerTest

4. To browse the code
mvn eclipse:eclipse
This will create an eclipse project. Import the project in your eclipse IDE.

If you do not have maven, svn client then download the source code in zip format from Unzip and setup your IDE. The project will need junit 4.0 and above in the classpath.