
Beta 6 released

Beta 6 & corresponding released...

Whats new?

- The symmetric keystore is now passphrase-secured & encrypted with Twofish.
- Set optional random seeds for symmetric key generation & PBE
- Add support for RC4 stream cipher (for file encryption)
- Clear sensitive information (passwords, clear text, keys, ...) from memory after usage
- Tag reference available in printable PDF, Windows Help & plain HTML format
- FIX: using StringBuffer instead of String for storing sensitive information (passwords, clear text)
- FIX: PBE salts are now random and stored within the encrypted string/file
- FIX: IV (initialization vectors) are now stored within the encrypted string/file instead of the symmetric key.
- FIX: default scope is now set correctly (= PAGE)

Posted by Gert Van Ham 2002-11-10

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