
JConnect4 Tournament / News: Recent posts

New JC4Tournament Web

New web page for this project : new contents, and better look than initial one.

Posted by Rashgaroc 2005-03-29

JC4Tournament 0.1.0 Phoenix Released

First release of this proyect. Not implementing none of the enhances, but showing the start point of deployment.

Next release (Pegasus) is meant to incorporate many new features and look-and-feel. So, by the time, enjoy this traditional (and humble) version...

Posted by Rashgaroc 2005-03-08

JConnect4 Tournament Starts Here...

JConnect4 Tournament is alive and now currently being designed.

For those of you who want to get close to this proyect, soon a simple JConnect4 will be available for dowload, but keep in mind the project has still began!!

First JConnect4 Tournament release (code named "Pegasus") is proyected for June 2005. Designing documentation and other related information will be available every week (I hope).... read more

Posted by Rashgaroc 2005-02-08