
jbuzzer / News: Recent posts

JBuzzer 1.0.6 released

JBuzzer is a small desktop application that allows to map an arbitrary amount of sound clips to computer keys.
The new version is a bugfix release for java 1.5 distributed as windows installer or plain multiplatform java library.

Release notes:


Posted by Achim Westermann 2007-05-04

JBuzzer 1.05 released

JBuzzer is a desktop application that allows mapping the computer keyboard to audio samples. It's main purpose is to bring some fun into the office by expressing oneself with well-chosen statements.

Release often release early, thats what the documents say. 1.04 sure contained major improvements but still was released too early.
Two unreported major bugs were introduced by refactoring that were not detected in the insufficient release test. So version 1.05 still does not introduce important features to come but stability. ... read more

Posted by Achim Westermann 2004-09-27

JBuzzer 1.04 released.

JBuzzer - a small java computer keyboard audio sample player - has reached a further step in the current development phase of refactoring for stability.

A new keyboard-policy has been added, that remembers the favourite keystrokes of the user, and suggests the lowest free one.


Changelog: read more

Posted by Achim Westermann 2004-09-15

JBuzzer 1.03 released.

JBuzzer - a java application that allows to trigger audio samples with your computer keyboard - has released a minor version with improved stability and performance.


Posted by Achim Westermann 2004-09-02

JBuzzer's homepage relaunched.

JBuzzer - the desktop application that allows mapping the computer keyboard to audio samples - has an improved and structured website.


Posted by Achim Westermann 2004-09-01

JBuzzer 1.0 available for windows.

JBuzzer is an end user desktop application that allows mapping your computer keyboard to audio samples of your choice (mp3,wav). Now everyone may use jbuzzer like a normal windows application. 2.223 page views in 66 days and only 31 downloads made this requirement obvious. As an end user application jbuzzer has to integrate in desktop environments without the need of batch files or command line sessions.
The new release comes in form of a single installation file and has some features that may be read in
the release notes. ... read more

Posted by Achim Westermann 2004-08-28

JBuzzer's project homepage launched.

With the launch of the JBuzzer's project homepage
all urgent steps have been made to enable starting JBuzzer even for users that are not familiar with java.
The desing is kept simple yet functional.

Posted by Achim Westermann 2004-07-02

JBuzzer goes Proguard.

In order to obtain smaller binaries and to allow
faster download, jbuzzer binaries are now available
in a special release, that is shrinked by using

The binaries are up to 60 % smaller and stable
like the other releases.


changelog: ... read more

Posted by Achim Westermann 2004-06-29

First download.

Georg, fresh prince of Sachsen Anhalt, Halle's hope and keeper of silence decided to let jbuzzer do his office talking.

Posted by Achim Westermann 2004-06-28

jbuzzer Alpha2 sources released.

Ready to go eclipse 3.0 project:

Short Howto in the release notes.

Posted by Achim Westermann 2004-06-27

jbuzzer Alpha2 binaries released.

jbuzzer Alpha is a quite stable release that already supports:

- Short audio clips (preloaded), which is the main
purpose: hit the keyboard and let a sample talk.
- Streams. You can also use it to listen to music
(there are players like winamp or the brilliant
that do this better, but not mapped to keystrokes.)

- Unlimited (as much as your screen or mem could fill)
amount of samples.
- Volume control per sample.
- Multiple playbacks at the same time.
- Persistance of the data-model in xml (JSX).... read more

Posted by Achim Westermann 2004-06-27