

Tom Harwood

JBurgMain Command-Line Options


Specify Directories and Files

  • -outputdir : emit the BURM in the specified directory
  • -inputdir : read the specification from the specified directory
  • -specification : give the specification as an explicitly named argument
  • -outputfile : emit the BURM into the specified file
  • -directory : set -outputdir and -inputdir to the specified directory

Log control

  • -noInfo : don't emit info-level messages
  • -quiet : don't emit info or warning messages
  • -extraquiet : don't emit any messages

Options used mostly in JBurg development

  • -dumpspecification : dump the specification's AST
  • -aggregatePathThreshold : aggregate path information once a pattern matcher has more than aggregatePathThreshold elements.


Wiki: Debugging
Wiki: JBurg Reference
Wiki: JBurg2 Reference
Wiki: JBurg2 Syntax