Activity for JBurg

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [6a6636]

    Generated code cleanup

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [976dfe]

    Better cost caching, clean up generated code

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [27a7ad]

    Moved the Logger to Configuration, cleaned up g...

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [ad0ae0]

    Move config variables into Configuration class;...

  • Tom Harwood committed [b7bb68]

    Encapsulate initializers in scopes to work arou...

  • Tom Harwood committed [1dd00d]

    Avoid name collisions in test artifacts

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [b3b6a4]

    WildcardState directive and tests

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [b1b364]

    Tweak C++ codegen output

  • Tom Harwood committed [9da797]

    Add @ReducerNodeName directive

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [d71e36]

    JBurg2 VIM syntax file

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [28170e]

    Fix syntax fat finger

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [e7e464]

    Build 2.0.6: C++ emitter stack discipline, acce...

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [5f575e]

    Make all vectors allocated on the heap

  • JBurg JBurg released /jburg-2.0.2.tar.gz

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [2d93b5]

    Move label() logic into a snippet, fix memory l...

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood created ticket #28

    Support pattern-matching against NULL child pointers

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood modified ticket #24

    C++ emitter signed/unsigned type correctness

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood posted a comment on ticket #24


  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [8eebde] and un...

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [8624bc]

    Merge commit

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood created ticket #24

    C++ emitter signed/unsigned type correctness

  • Tom Harwood committed [877c60]

    @StrictReturnType directive, more easily findab...

  • Tom Harwood committed [02e981]

    Merge C++ emitter and @Guard branches

  • Tom Harwood committed [20f470]

    @Guard WIP

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood created a blog post

    JBurg 2.0 released

  • JBurg JBurg released /jburg-2.0.tar.gz

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [1e724c]

    Use correct type to iterate over STL vectors

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [baef8e]

    C++ emitter cleanup: debug code, annotation bas...

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [50428e]

    @AnnotationExtends directive, C++ debug build s...

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood committed [81c65c]

    Uncomment the @Members tag

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood created a wiki page

    JBurg2 Reference

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood modified a wiki page


  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood created a wiki page

    JBurg2 Syntax

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood modified a wiki page


  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood posted a comment on ticket #25

    Reopened to support separation of concerns in large-scale projects.

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood modified ticket #25

    Generate a reducer interface

  • Tom Harwood Tom Harwood created ticket #27

    Separate C++ interface (.h) and implementation (.cpp)

  • Tom Harwood committed [e07d2b]

    Adjust intermediate results to accomodate pointers

  • Tom Harwood committed [8bd4b7]

    C++ intermediate result management by struct

  • Tom Harwood committed [4c0cde]

    Move instance variable declarations (and initia...

  • Tom Harwood committed [40d1e5]

    Remove hard-coded subgoal identifier from boile...

  • Tom Harwood committed [6b25bd]

    remove obsolete antecedent processing from the ...

  • Tom Harwood committed [1a6edb]

    Support a limited stem->method(...) calling seq...

  • Tom Harwood committed [4ca870]

    Don't emit unused setAccessor routine

  • Tom Harwood committed [1a8785]

    Allow void* as a type name

  • Tom Harwood committed [f42b98]

    Correct test running instructions

  • Tom Harwood committed [206379]

    Delete obsolete (and dangerous) antecedentRules...

  • Tom Harwood committed [1df7c8]

    Use correct node names

  • Tom Harwood committed [cf937f]

    Explicit type decl for @SetAnnotation

  • Tom Harwood committed [f38761]

    Remove non-source artifacts.

  • Tom Harwood committed [f8707c]

    Support for annotation accessors, C++ in partic...

  • Tom Harwood committed [1125f3]

    C++ annotation accessor test

  • Tom Harwood committed [5e09e2]

    Move Options to its own file

  • Tom Harwood committed [cc2e1f]

    Continue migrating settings into Configuration;

  • Tom Harwood committed [77a9b1]

    add C++ test for processing annotations in call...

  • Tom Harwood committed [ecc247]

    Pass options directly to the BURM generator

  • Tom Harwood committed [8bfac5]

    Add missing templates to C++