

Tobias Frech

Integrate JBoss into Nagios monitoring through a small Collector MBean and a perl based Nagios plugin. Lets you read you and monitor JMX values from JBoss servers very efficiently. On the Nagios server no JDK or JBoss installation is needed.

Screenshot thumbnail
A simple JMX query from a JBoss server as a service check

Minimal Requirements

  • On the Nagios server side you need an additional plugin (written in Perl, so no new requirements here) and a command definition.
  • On the JBoss server side you need to deploy a SAR-archive, which is provided.


  • calculate differences between two checks (for counters)
  • check for bigger, lower, ranges in the Nagios plugin format
  • check for sizes of collections
  • check for textual attributes
  • include System Properties into MBean names to check
  • check one of serveral hosts in a cluster (cluster singeltons)

Have a look at the output of the [HelpPage].


Both, collector.sar and check_mbean_collector can be obtained from the Download page of the project.


With JBoss:
1. Copy the collector.sar to your JBoss deploy directory. Port 5566 is then open for the plugin to access it.

With Tomcat or anything else:
1. Put the collector.sar somewhere in the file system and add -javaagent:/path/to/collector.sar to the options of the JVM you want to monitor.

On the Nagios server:
2. Copy the plugin check_mbean_collector to the Nagios plugin directory on the Nagios server.
3. Edit your Nagios config to use the check_mbean_collector to monitor any attributes of any MBean. Details can be found in [NagiosSetup]

You might check, if the plugin and the MBean is working properly by doing a test run:

./check_mbean_collector -H jbossserver -p 5566 -m jboss.system:type=ServerInfo -a ActiveThreadCount -w 200 -c 400

Please note that you need the nagios-plugins package installed and of course replace "jbossserver" with you server name in the example above

Check the plugin's [HelpPage] for more options.


Project Members:


Wiki: HelpPage
Wiki: NagiosSetup
Wiki: UsefulMBeans
Wiki: VersionMatrix