
JBoss Nagios Integration / News: Recent posts

Release 1.3 adds javaagent mode

Long time no release, stable software is stable :-)
I added a new feature to facilitate a complete new usage for this project: use it with any Java process to monitor JMX values (like the ones from the JVM). Read to docs on how to do this with the -javaagent switch.

Posted by Tobias Frech 2014-10-06

Migrated the wiki

Copied (hopefully all) content into the new wiki of the new SF infrastructure. The old "hosted apps" have been disabled. I hope there are not too many links into the old wiki out there.

Posted by Tobias Frech 2013-05-21

1.0 released

I decided to release 1.0.
Made some finishing touches, lite docu improvement and a sample command definition in the README.txt. Enjoy!

Posted by Tobias Frech 2011-08-08

Documentation in the wiki

SF is phasing out the current wiki solution. They already started by making the current wiki hard to find. It is still there and contains the current doucmentation. Try

Posted by Tobias Frech 2009-07-08

Project activity

Besides me using this plugin for more and more of my clients to setup monitoring of their JBoss installations, the project keeps getting more traction. The downloads per month increase from month to month and we are past the 400th download already.

You can get help on the mailing list, submit bugs reports or feature requests or enhance the documentation in the wiki.

mailing list:
bugs reports:
feature requests:
wiki: read more

Posted by Tobias Frech 2009-03-17

MBean updated

I got the first public feedback and implemented the request for binding to a specific address on the JBoss server. The MBean is released as 0.2 now. Please note that the plugin and the MBean do not need to match in the verions numbers since the protocol is fixed for now.

Posted by Tobias Frech 2009-01-23


The necessary files have been available in CVS all the time, but for easier access I have added them on the Download page as well. Please check the wiki for some instructions. Contact me if you need help. Feedback and contributions to the code and wiki are very welcome.

Posted by Tobias Frech 2009-01-16

First checkin

Just made the sources available to the public in the CVS repository. The mbean-directory contains the sources for the JBoss component to deploy, the plugin-directory the perl script to use on the Nagios side.
No packaged releases or docs yet.

Posted by Tobias Frech 2008-07-18