
#109 Initial official JBoss/Catalina support


The 2.4.2 relase includes the initial JBoss/Tomcat4.0
or Catalina support that include integrated security
using JBossSX and integrated web container JNDI ENCs.

There is an incompatible change in the way the
catalina class loader preferentially loads classes
from the war classes and lib directories over the web
container parent class loader. The result of this is
that while with Tomcat-3.2.3 one needed to include
classes contained in ear ejb-jars in order to compile
JSP pages, this must not be done in Tomcat-4.0. JSP
pages now compile without the duplicate classes in the
war. If duplicate classes are included in the war the
symtoms will be anything from non-optmized ejb calls
to a variety of unusual class loading errors.

The Catalina embedded service does not use the
conf/server.xml file mechanism. Instead, the allowable
configuration is exposed via the
EmbeddedCatalinaServiceSXMBean attributes. These
include the following:

/** Set the pathname to the document base directory
for the default context web application
@param docBase Absolute or relative pathname to
the document base directory
* for default context web application
public void setWebAppsRoot(String webAppsRoot);
/** Set the Catalina listening port.
@param part, the listening port, 0 == Anonymous.
public void setPort(int port);
/** Set the specific address Catalina listens on.
This can be used on
a multi-homed host for a ServerSocket that will
only accept connect requests
to one of its addresses.
@param host, the interface name or IP address to
bind. If host is null, or
has zero length, connections on any/all local
addresses will be allowed.
public void setBindAddress(String host) throws
* Set the accept count for this Connector.
* @param count The new accept count
public void setAcceptCount(int count);
* Set the minimum number of processors to start
at initialization.
* @param minProcessors The new minimum processors
public void setMinProcessors(int minProcessors);
* Set the maximum number of processors allowed,
or <0 for unlimited.
* @param maxProcessors The new maximum processors
public void setMaxProcessors(int maxProcessors);
/** Set the "enable DNS lookups" flag.
* @param enableLookups The "enable DNS lookups"
flag value
public void setEnableLookups(boolean
/** Set the JNDI name of the SecurityDomain
instance to
use with JSSE.
* @param securityDomain the JNDI name of the
instance to use with JSSE.
public void setSecurityDomain(String


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