
Java Batch Job Framework / News: Recent posts

JBJF Model

Hi folks,

I apologize for the delay in the 2.0.0. I've been working on getting the new JBJF Model to fit in both the JBJF 2.0.0 and a new Eclipse GEF Graphical Design Studio. The learning curve on Eclipse GEF is far greater than I anticipated.

That said, i'm switching gears and just pushing forward on the JBJF 2.0.0. I'll just have to retro-fit the Model into the Design Studio...


Posted by adymlincoln 2012-08-07

JBJF 1.3.2

JBJF 1.3.2 is a maintenance release...Includes two FTP related fixes. One expands the <ftp-definition> element, adding a new <file-type> indicator that allows you to set ascii or binary file type transfers. The second fixes a bug in the FTPPushFile task. When the <target> directory contained a relative directory path, then the ftp would not work. Absolute paths were not affected.

Posted by adymlincoln 2010-09-17

JBJF 1.3.0

A new version of JBJF is now available...version 1.3.0. The new version introduces Plugins into the architecture and begins a shift in architectural design for JBJF. Extensibility has always been difficult with JBJF, but with the new JBJF Plugins architecture, we hope to solve this along with many future plans.

Posted by adymlincoln 2010-01-23

Release - JBJF Version 1.2.1

Hi all,

Just realized the files for release 1.2.1 still have the 1.2.0 version number in them. I'll fix this in the short term and replace the files as quickly as time permits...

Sorry for the naming flub...


Posted by adymlincoln 2009-09-28

Release - JBJF Version 1.2.1

Hi all,

A new version of JBJF is available, version 1.2.1. It is highly recommended that you upgrade to the new version as a nasty bug was fixed in the APIEncryption() class...the original methods can't encrypt and/or decrypt text string longer than 8 characters. Apparently, I've never had a userid or password greater than 8 characters.

There are also some new general purpose task classes for file management and Oracle related SQL.... read more

Posted by adymlincoln 2009-09-27

JBJF Release - Version 1.1.2...

Version 1.1.2 is a minor release to fix an annoying bug that sends 2 emails out when a batch job terminates with an exception. Sorry for the close releases of 1.1.1 and 1.1.2, but I needed a working version for some work I'm doing.

Posted by adymlincoln 2009-02-18

JBJF Cipher Tool

The JBJF Cipher Tool is now available to help JBJF Developers and Analysts to encrypt and decrypt userids, passwords and short text segments using the Bouncy Castle encryption library that comes bundled with JBJF. Check it out today...Available in the jbjf-tools-1xx package.

Installation instructions and source code (eclipse project) are included. There are also installation instructions available on the Project Wiki.... read more

Posted by adymlincoln 2008-12-31

JBJF Version 1.1.0 Released

A new minor release of JBJF is now available. The 1.1.0 fixes a bug and enhances the framework to process and collect export definitions. See the Release notes and Change log for details.

Posted by adymlincoln 2008-10-15

JARS Rating

See our rating on []. The #1 Java rating website.

Posted by adymlincoln 2008-05-30

JBJF Version 1.0.1 Released

A minor update/patch for JBJF has been released. This fixes a couple of critical bugs. One involved use of the built-in directory "archivist" which caused the JBJF Batch Definition to terminate with an exception.

Posted by adymlincoln 2008-02-08

Java Batch Job Framework 1.0.0 is released

This is our first release of JBJF. An XML driven Java batch job framework that will help you produce batch jobs quicker, faster and easier. The task list concept and the Task abstract help standardize your individual tasks allowing them to be shared between batch jobs. Get enough tasks and you can build a repository. Using Java means batch jobs can be ported easily from one platform to another.

Posted by adymlincoln 2007-05-24