
#498 Need warnings and better understaning of transitions


When you transition from one state to another, (i.e. you
put in a multiple bid at $70, but on the last snipe you
want to bid $75 so that if all the others fail you can try
to bid a higher amount), there is no command to let you
do this. You can hit "snipe" but then you aren't sure if
you will lose your multiple sniping of that auction and it
might go back to just being a regular snipe. If you
would remove a bid when doing a multiple snipe and
simply shade them all the same it would make the
grouping more intuitive.

I was trying to what just what is described above, but I
accidentally hit "bid" instead of "snipe". Boy did that
suck. It didn't give me any warning that I was bidding
instead of sniping and so now I have the high bid on the
last auction and had to cancel all my multiple snipes.

There should be a warning when you bid on something
you are currently sniping just incase you accidentally hit
bid instead of snipe. I would put in some sort of warning
for all bidding, since the form to enter a bid looks almost
identical to the one for entering a snipe. Maybe you
could have the bid for a different color.


  • Morgan Schweers

    Morgan Schweers - 2005-04-19

    Logged In: YES

    I have just completed a move to Seattle, and finally have my
    primary development systems up and running again, just today.
    Coming up to speed at my new job, and situating myself in my new
    apartment, with fiancee and cat, all has eaten up every available
    cycle of my time until just recently. With my primary dev
    environment back up (and not rebooting every 5 minutes!), I'm
    able to start to address some of the problems people have been

    I've been trying to debug with one hand tied behind my back,
    effectively, recently. Hopefully with the new setup, and
    everything coming live, I'll be better able to respond and fix

    I apologize for my awful response time, recently. Ever since
    mid-February, I've been effectively offline. I barely managed
    the 0.9.6 release due to eBay's change at one of the worst times
    for me in terms of net access, and it looks like I overlooked a
    few things in the process. I intend to try and fix those up, and
    start on older bugs.

    -- Morgan Schweers, CyberFOX!

  • Morgan Schweers

    Morgan Schweers - 2005-04-19
    • priority: 5 --> 6
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Morgan Schweers

    Morgan Schweers - 2007-03-18
    • priority: 6 --> 3
  • Morgan Schweers

    Morgan Schweers - 2007-03-18

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Bugs filed before 1.0 and bugs without responders are being juggled in terms of priority (9 is highest priority). I'm raising bugs filed with a submitter, post-1.0 to P6. Bugs which are filed post-1.0, but without a submitter are P5. Before 1.0 bugs with a submitter are becoming P4, and pre-1.0 bugs without a submitter name become P3.

    If the bug is still relevant, and has a watcher (i.e. you got notified when I changed this bug), feel free to bubble it back up again.

    Email addresses in bugs are great, but I can't always respond via email. Sometimes, especially for duplicate bugs, I use automated tools (like I'm doing right now) to change status on a large number of items at once.

    Thanks for your patience, while I try to pare back the bug list to what may actually still be in the program.

    -- Morgan Schweers, CyberFOX!


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