
#455 Auctions not going to completed

Monitoring (94)


After the auction is finsihed the items are not moving to
the 'complete' folder they just stay (red) in their 'tab'

version 0.9.5
java version 1.5.0-beta2-b51



  • The Evil Microwizard

    Logged In: YES

    Having the same problem here - it was with a Buy It Now
    auction that I won, and the auction just stays stuck in the
    'Current' tab, though its date has turned red (and is well
    in the past).

    version 0.9.5, java 1.4.2_05 build b04.

  • Morgan Schweers

    Morgan Schweers - 2007-03-18

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Bugs filed before 1.0 and bugs without responders are being juggled in terms of priority (9 is highest priority). I'm raising bugs filed with a submitter, post-1.0 to P6. Bugs which are filed post-1.0, but without a submitter are P5. Before 1.0 bugs with a submitter are becoming P4, and pre-1.0 bugs without a submitter name become P3.

    If the bug is still relevant, and has a watcher (i.e. you got notified when I changed this bug), feel free to bubble it back up again.

    Email addresses in bugs are great, but I can't always respond via email. Sometimes, especially for duplicate bugs, I use automated tools (like I'm doing right now) to change status on a large number of items at once.

    Thanks for your patience, while I try to pare back the bug list to what may actually still be in the program.

    -- Morgan Schweers, CyberFOX!

  • Morgan Schweers

    Morgan Schweers - 2007-03-18
    • priority: 5 --> 4
  • The Evil Microwizard

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Thanks for responding.

    I ended up having to move the auction to its own tab, called 'Broken', so that it wouldn't still be sitting in the Current tab. If I move it back to the Current tab now, it (possibly unsurprisingly) still just stays there, I assume because the auction is long gone from eBay. Is there any other test or action that I should try, or is there a way I can get you a copy of the auction or of my environment in general?

  • Morgan Schweers

    Morgan Schweers - 2007-03-18

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Boosting this up to 7... I'm triaging right now.

    Does right-click and 'Send to...' not show the 'complete' tab as an option?

    -- Morgan Schweers, CyberFOX!

  • Morgan Schweers

    Morgan Schweers - 2007-03-18
    • priority: 4 --> 7
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • The Evil Microwizard

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    It looks like at least part of this must have gotten cleaned up somewhere between 0.9.5 and 1.0. Additional details on previous behavior were, I couldn't get it to go to the completed tab by using that menu - I would right click, select "Send to..." > "complete", and it simply didn't move, stayed in the current tab. I just tried it now and it moved over to the current tab without any problem.

    Is there any automatic process to move auctions between the current and complete tabs other than at auction end? For instance, should clicking refresh in the current window cause jbidwatcher to "notice" that the end date was long past and move it to completed?


  • Morgan Schweers

    Morgan Schweers - 2007-03-19

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Actually, it's one of my more annoying bugs. For some reason the end time never gets properly updated. This actually causes real problems with auctions where the seller has extended it.

    It's annoying, because all the code is in place to support it, and it SHOULD work, but for some reason it doesn't always. Thankfully not many auctions have extended end times. BIN items *usually* work, but sometimes they don't recognize that it's done, and I don't offhand know the difference. It might be quantity of items for sale, it might be something else.

    -- Morgan Schweers, CyberFOX!


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