
#452 When using multiple accounts, snipes under the wrong one


This may just be a documentation issue in which case
clarification is all I need. I use multiple accounts for different
things on eBay and I find it often snipes under the wrong
account. Order of events:

. Viewing with account_1 in configuration.
. Add auction_A to the monitored list of auctions.
. Change configuration settings to use account_2.
. Close JBidWatcher.
. Start JBidWatcher.
. Enter a snipe on auction_A.
. Sometime later, snipe fires on auction_A using account_1
where account_2 was expected.

What's the magic needed to unequivocally bind a particular
account to a snipe no matter how many reconfigurations/
restarts occur between snipe entry and snipe firing?

This is been true for quite sometime. Platform is Linux
RH9 with JDK 1.4.2.



  • Morgan Schweers

    Morgan Schweers - 2007-03-18

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Bugs filed before 1.0 and bugs without responders are being juggled in terms of priority (9 is highest priority). I'm raising bugs filed with a submitter, post-1.0 to P6. Bugs which are filed post-1.0, but without a submitter are P5. Before 1.0 bugs with a submitter are becoming P4, and pre-1.0 bugs without a submitter name become P3.

    If the bug is still relevant, and has a watcher (i.e. you got notified when I changed this bug), feel free to bubble it back up again.

    Email addresses in bugs are great, but I can't always respond via email. Sometimes, especially for duplicate bugs, I use automated tools (like I'm doing right now) to change status on a large number of items at once.

    Thanks for your patience, while I try to pare back the bug list to what may actually still be in the program.

    -- Morgan Schweers, CyberFOX!

  • Morgan Schweers

    Morgan Schweers - 2007-03-18
    • priority: 5 --> 3

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