
JBI - Java Battle Isle / News: Recent posts

JBI development continues ;o)

Hi folks,

for the last few months JBI was put on hold due to personal reasons.

But since the end of september development continues again - we already have a bunch of new and old ideas - and we're really looking forward to start implementing these...

But first we have to do some slightly unpleasant consolidation work (among others finish migration to swing) - when we're finished with this work, we might release another "in between" release - stay tuned... read more

Posted by Sascha Kinder 2004-10-13

JBI Alpha 0.3.5 released!

Hi again !
While developing the next Alpha Release, we decided to bring you the latest additions to JBI in a step-in-between release for you to check it out. Have fun!
Get some more infos on the improvements at

Posted by Sven Vowe 2004-04-23

JBI Alpha 0.3 Released

We present our newest JBI Release: JBI Alpha 0.3!
Full Screen Mode is now supported (you'll need J2RE 1.4 ar least; Linux Users try out the new Java 1.5 if you encounter problems). Our MiniMap is now working greatly, and there is already some basic Fight Simulation going on. Overall improvements included, of course...
Check it all out, send us some feedback if you like to and have a lot of fun!!!... read more

Posted by Sven Vowe 2004-04-10

JBI Website up-and-running!

Our website, is finally up. It lacks cool style yet, but you may shuffle around to see some screenshots and other stuff already! Stay tuned!

Posted by Sven Vowe 2004-03-14

JBI Alpha 0.2 Released

The next Alpha version of JBI has been uploaded to SourceForge. Check out the LevelEditor now supporting Terrains and Units made by the brand new TerrainEditor and UnitEditor, also included. In the Single Player Mode, you may load our Test Map "Battle for Dune" - or build an own. Unit Movement is not perfect yet, but mostly working.
A Note for JBI Alpha 0.3: Our 2D Engine will be mostly rewritten to support FullScreen Mode, Hardware-Accelerated Images and much more! Stay tuned and have a lot of fun!... read more

Posted by Sven Vowe 2004-03-03

JBI Alpha 0.1 released

The very first Alpha Release of JBI has been uploaded. Check out the functionality to get some impressions of our work. Have Fun!

Posted by Sven Vowe 2004-02-19