
JBiblio / News: Recent posts

Alpha 0.3a is released.

JBiblio now comes with a new gui. It's now able to import and export from/to BibTeX, to add and to remove entries. Editing of existing entries is unable, yet.

Posted by Michael Holtermann 2004-01-05

Next release is delayed

Because I've to bring another project to end I'm unable to work on JBiblio for now. I'll release a new version as soon as possible, maybe round x-mas.

The next release will come with a new GUI. There's now a table that contains all entries (a symbol (book, article...), author, title, year, bibtex-key) and a panel that shows you the entire entrie if you select one in the table. For editing there will be a sperate dialog analogous to the editor that is located on the right side in the actual release.... read more

Posted by Michael Holtermann 2003-12-05

Please refer to project's homepage...

... for a more actual view on project's status (, driven by Apache's Forrest.

Thanks, Michael.

Posted by Michael Holtermann 2003-11-20

New alpha version 0.2a released

See changes and release-notes for further details.

Posted by Michael Holtermann 2003-11-16

Next alpha will be released soon

The next alpha-version, v0.2a will be released within the next few days.

New features/fixes:
- Protection against duplicated BibTeX-keys (Smi2003, Smi2003a...)
- Auto-update for entry list
- ant build-skript
- final package names due to new project domain (

Posted by Michael Holtermann 2003-11-15

Firts alpha released

Read the release-file for details.

Bug-reports and feature-requests are welcome.

Posted by Michael Holtermann 2003-10-18

Pre-alpha will be released soon


A very pre-alpha version of JBiblio will be released within the next few days. You may test parts of the GUI and parts of functionality (import and export from/to BiBTeXML works).

Feature requests are welcome, but please stay patient: i'm a student and aren't able to spend much time.


Posted by Michael Holtermann 2003-10-18