
JBCP / News: Recent posts

Release of version 0.9 (src)

The source code for version 0.9 has been released.

Please can you add some feedback to the forums to say how well JBCP is working in your own environment. Please state what OS, Sybase/MS SQL version its working for (or not).

Posted by MikeW 2008-02-28

Release of version 0.9

The release extends Java BCP (JBCP) to cope with Numeric and Decimals. This is really an interim release to enable testing to progress; how it deals with overflow isn't ideal at the moment. By default, overflowing of Numerics and Decimals causes bad values to get inserted into the DB columns - its expected the user will do their own validation.

However, there is an options to get JBCP to check for Overflow - but this will slow down JBCP.

Posted by MikeW 2008-02-11

Release of version 0.8

Version 0.8 is now available.

It includes a bug fix so that its no longer necessary to call bcpInit() after bcpBatch().

It also includes some performance improvements which can lead to 50% improved speed.

Posted by MikeW 2008-01-14

Bug with low-level API

The documentation for the low-level API says that you can using it by using :-

However, theres an error which means that you need to call it using :-

This will be fixed in Version 0.8

Posted by MikeW 2008-01-10

Release of jBCP 0.7

Release of jBCP 0.7 improves on the earlier releases of jBCP by using the code base of jtds 1.2.2. It also improves performance when using the high-level API.

The release should be considered alpha until its been run in different environments.

Posted by MikeW 2008-01-03

TestFiles Release

Announcement: A tar file containing a set of tables, some bcp files and a simple program is released. This should demonstrate jBCP working and enable simple tests to be constructed.

Posted by MikeW 2007-10-03

Release of jBCP - 0.6a

Release of jBCP 0.6a improves on the earlier releases of jBCP by adding better support for longer record types and for certain datatypes.

In fixing bugs I've discovered a little more about how Sybase works with certain datatypes but I would expect to see more errors.

Please let me know of any successes and failures you have. I would expect to be able to move to a full working version quite quickly if I had more information.... read more

Posted by MikeW 2007-09-24

Release of jBCP

The first public release of jBCP is now available. It takes jTDS version 1.2 and adds BCP (Bulk Copy) extensions. The code will work against Sybase and MS SQL. Although BCP-ing into some column types are not implemented the main base types are fully working.

Posted by MikeW 2007-02-15