
JBCcm / News: Recent posts

JBCcm reported to work fine with JB 2005


For I just was in contact with a user that needed help with JBCcm setup, I can now report that the tool is working properly with JB 2005 - tested on Windows XP (JBCcm with gui) in combination with CM Synergy 6.3 on a HP-UX 11.00 server.

Bye, Olaf

Posted by Olaf Deterding-Meyer 2005-12-28

JBCcm tested with JB X successfully


JBCcm also works fine with JB X - but unfortunately I had to experience, that Borland no longer ships the library gnuregexp.jar with JBuilder.

So you either have to copy it from your previous JB version ...

... or you can download it from or
Put the included java library gnu-regexp-1.0.8.jar to the lib/ext subdirectory and rename it to gnuregexp.jar.... read more

Posted by Olaf Deterding-Meyer 2003-12-16

JBCcm works fine with JB9

I just tested JBCcm with JB 9 Personal. This is the first time ever a new JB version was working with JBCcm without any need for changes or fixes!!!
Well done, boys and girls at Borland - or have you only changed the major version number, but there's still JB 8 inside ;-)) ?


Posted by Olaf Deterding-Meyer 2003-06-12

Problems with JBCcm and JB8 solved

JB8 again was playing tricks on me - as every version of Builder seems to do :-( ...but now all of them are solved and the new release 2.4.2 is out and ready for download.



Posted by Olaf Deterding-Meyer 2002-12-11

Patch for JB7 JavaFileNode problem available

After a few hours of analyzing the core of JBuilder 7 compared to that of JB6, I finally found a way to build a workaround for the problem, that JB7 does not like subclassing JavaFileNode and registering such a class for the "java" file extension.

The patch submitted here is simply a subclass of JavaBuilder (a class from the closed part of the OT API) which redefines the method which caused all the trouble ... works fine for me, but use it at your own risk!

Posted by Olaf Deterding-Meyer 2002-08-08

JBCcm has moved to SourceForge

After two years of development JBCcm has now moved to SourceForge. Whoever wants to join into further development of this tool - please feel free to contact me!

For more information and unpacked Online Help see


P.S.: JBCcm 2.3 is already on its way ;-) ... have a look at the CVS tree ...

Posted by Olaf Deterding-Meyer 2002-07-27