
JaxoDraw / News: Recent posts

JaxoDraw earns Community Awards

We are thrilled to announce that our project has been awarded the SourceForge Community Leader and Community Choice awards!

These honors are awarded only to selected projects that have reached significant milestones in terms of downloads and user engagement from the SourceForge community. The Community Leader badge is awarded to open source projects that have reached the milestone of 50,000 total downloads.... read more

Posted by Lukas Theussl 2022-03-02

Drawing Feynman Diagrams for Fun and Profit with JaxoDraw

The June 2018 issue of Linux Journal brings an article on JaxoDraw:

Posted by Lukas Theussl 2021-01-03

JaxoDraw in Linux Journal

The November 2012 issue of Linux Journal brings an article on JaxoDraw:


Posted by Lukas Theussl 2012-12-19

JaxoDraw on OS X with MacTex

A nice blog with useful tips for JD on Mac OS X:

Posted by Lukas Theussl 2012-11-30

Binary installers for Mac and Windows

We have finally managed to add some binary installers of our last release. Get them from our Download pages at


Posted by Lukas Theussl 2012-02-07

JaxoDraw-2.1-0 released

This is actually a minor bug-fix release with the only major change being the switch to java 5. Check the Changelog at and download it from


Posted by Lukas Theussl 2011-10-07

JaxoDraw packages for Fedora and Gentoo

That's actually old news but never made it to our old web site. JaxoDraw is now packaged by Fedora [1] and Gentoo [2]. Enjoy!


Posted by Lukas Theussl 2011-06-10

Welcome to the new JaxoDraw news tracker

From now on, we will use the SourceForge News service for all our news announcements and communications. The main advantages are: no need to re-deploy the web site for a news item and automatic rss feed generation. Enjoy!

Posted by Lukas Theussl 2011-06-02