
Bugs  Maximize  Restore

Showing 5 results of 5

# Summary Status Created Source Milestone Priority
96 Zigzag loops do not have a continuous first derivative at the 2nd click point open 2021-05-27 core Unscheduled 5  
95 Accelerator keys are always shown in the language of the system's locale open 2021-05-27 core Unscheduled 1  
77 JD crashes on Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM open 2009-02-03 java Unscheduled 2  
75 Gluon Beziers have wrong number of wiggles open 2008-11-12 core Unscheduled 5  
60 Scrolling does not work when objects are created open 2007-11-21 core Unscheduled 1  
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