
WISE Invokes Services Easily / News: Recent posts

Wise 1.0. A generic WS client with web based user interface

Wise ( is an acronym: Wise Invokes Services Easily. In a nutshell it is a web application designed to call a generic web-service given the wsdl only. Wise parses the wsdl and dynamically generates a web interface to call the service and read the result.
It is designed to be used by non-programmer people (for example QA testers), but it is very useful also for developer since it is easy to use for rapid tests.
Wise is developed and tested mainly using the JBossWS native engine for the core, while use Seam and Richfaces for the user interface. However it works as client of any standard webservice. We've done some tests with JBossWS native and .NET endpoints, please give us a feedback of your experiences with other ws stacks.... read more

Posted by stefano maestri 2007-09-18

Lms 1.0. A web based tcpmon like tool to debug ws

Lms is an acronym for Logging Meta Service; its goal and use are very similar to the Axis' tcp monitor ones: it logs any tcp communication and gives developers the opportunity to review any request.

As Axis' tcp monitor it is particular useful to debug SOAP communication operating like a transparent proxy and logging any HTTP traffic (header and body). The most important Lms added value is to be a web application accessible from all developer team members using a common browser; moreover Lms haven't Axis' limitation of requiring an AWT compatible environment (Windows, X).... read more

Posted by stefano maestri 2007-08-23