
Just Another Web Mail / News: Recent posts

Version split

With the release of JAWmail version 1.9.0 JAWmail will split into two codebases. Version 1.9.0 will evolve into version 2.0 and version 0.9.20 will evolve into version 1.0. The release of version 1.0.0rc1 is espected within the next 6 days.

Have fun and find BUG's

Posted by Sebastian Dietz 2002-03-31

BUG reports

Please report BUGs to the JAWmail developer mailing list
and to the BUG tracker tool in sourceforge. Using the maillinglist you will reach a developer quick and easy.

The tracker tool is usefull for other users to see open BUG's. So please use it. ;)

Sebastian Dietz

Posted by Sebastian Dietz 2002-02-07

New Developer

I thought you might want to know that Rudi Benkovič is no longer support JAWMail, after a long time of dedicated development.
I feel very priviledged that he allowed me to take over his project and I hope that I can keep JAWMail as good as it has always been, and i hope that you keep supporting JAWMail, testing devel releases and reporting bugs. Thanks a lot!

I will start with a Development Release in the next couple of weeks.... read more

Posted by Christian Rubbert 2001-10-15

Devel season open!

Ok, so 0.8 should be somewhat useful, but code is a piece of crap...

So, 0.9 is declared devel and some of my ideas for it:
- some OO design
- support for more DB's (at least PostgreSQL)
- better plugin system
- new address book with LDAP support
- if PHP team puts imap_thread() into the stable release (patch is already there), threaded message viewing...

Posted by Rudi Benkovic 2001-04-08


Well well, this project really started up! Currently it's 17. on Sourceforge's activity list and 4. in the PHP foundry. Awesome!

Hopefully in this month, there will be a stable release (0.8) and continued development on the new development release (0.9).

Code, translate, fix and use it people! :)

Posted by Rudi Benkovic 2001-04-04

Testers for JAWmail wanted!

Now that this PHP/MySQL/IMAP webmail product is almost (okay, far from it :) production-ready, I still some testers. Altough I have located some bugs and fixed them, I'm pretty sure that there are still some out there.

And also I need stable code for next branch - probably 1.x or 2.x - it will switch to internal XML code, that will be later parsed and output could be anything - HTML, WAP's 'HTML', Flash, GIF images,... Some preliminary tests with XML and XSL(T) are beign done at the moment.

Posted by Rudi Benkovic 2001-02-24

JAWmail 0.6 released!

This could be an already usable version. But I would really need some reply from users (probably one at this time - me) for new stuff and ideas. Download and try it out!

Posted by Rudi Benkovic 2001-02-05