
Jawmail 2 and Redhat 8.0/Apache 2.0/php4.2.2

  • Christopher R. Ianniello

    I am having issues installing Jawmail 2.0 on a freshinstall of Redhat 8.0.  I am getting these errors when I run test.php
    If anything is in red, you've got a problem. Fix it.

    If anything is in orange, it might not work if your setup depends on that extension.

    Check the documentation!

    Basic PHP information
    Show phpinfo()

    PEAR files

    PHP modules

    PHP configuration
    Magic quotes - runtime: Disabled

    Magic quotes - GPC: Disabled

    Register globals - Disabled

    include_path - Okay

    include_path's first entry - . - Okay

    JAW tests

    As you can see I do not get a list of modules when I do the test.  Not even a red statement stating they are not installed ect....... Same setup works fine on a RH 7.2 box with apache 1.3.x.  Is this a apache 2.0 error??

    • Rudi Benkovic

      Rudi Benkovic - 2002-12-12

      Don't use Apache 2 with that version of PHP!

      Most probably knuckleheads at Red Hat ;) set the PHP directive short_open_tag to Off, altough it should be On by default.

      Oh, and who told you to load test.php? Install.php does all the checks. Well... at least it tries. With short_open_tag set to Off, it won't work.

    • Christopher R. Ianniello

      You were right. short_open_tag  was set to off I run the install.php ( which runs test.php i think) now I get a modules list.  it only gives me 2 errors right now.

      PEAR files
      PEAR.php - Present.
      Mail.php - Present.
      DB.php - Present.
      Crypt/HCEMD5.php - Present.
      Net/Socket.php - Missing!

      Gettext support - Present!
      IMAP - Present!
      IMAP 2000 - Present!
      MySQL - Present!
      XML - Present!
      Multi-Byte String Functions - Missing! Sorry, the installation process cannot proceed without this extension.

      Redhat came wit htis verison preinstalled with apache2.0.x looks liek i might have to install my own veriosn of apache and php.  I should know better to trust redhat to put out a stable / working distro at the x.0 verison. 


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