

  • Simon Tomazic

    Simon Tomazic - 2003-03-17

    I have problem with Courier-IMAP!
    I can login and see my mails, but I can not delete them and I can not send new mails.
    If I want delete look everything OK 1 message was deleted! but stays still in INBOX.
    If I want send I get message Could not send the message! "unable to send data".
    Width UW IMAP & without Vpopmail I do not have any problems.

    Suggestions, please.

    • Rudi Benkovic

      Rudi Benkovic - 2003-03-18

      You most probably haven't set the IMAP folder prepend to "INBOX." (WITH the trailing dot!) ...

      Also, it seems that you are running JAWmail 1.x ... Try to upgrade to 2.x!

    • Simon Tomazic

      Simon Tomazic - 2003-03-18

      My mistake, I did not put dot ("INBOX.").
      I didn't see at all, I don't know what I was reading.
      Rudi, tnx a lot.

      I still didn't fix the problem width sending mails, SMTP work, I try to send over other SMTP and again didn't work.

      I running JAWmail 2.0.1.


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