
Login error (fatal error)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2004-05-21

    I've gone through the whole process a few times already.. Unzipped them all and uploaded them onto the FTP, chmod the proper files, made the change to php.ini and PEAR, got to my localhost server and typed in "install.php" , checked the PEAR check, PHP extension check, PHP configuration, Configuration Files, all green and writable.

    a few clicks of Next Step, I chose the MySQL as DB; entered the DB host/username/password access part; chose the proper host and port for the IMAP protocol; selected sendmail as Sendmail program; chose the minimum plugins (Filter (mail_filters) and Quota(mail_show_quota)); English as language and default blue theme; JAWmail as the name of the installation; bashed the; used the login page, and still the program wont let me in.. >< !!!!!!!!!

    help !, any thoughts?

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-05-21

      this is the error msg that i got from my screen.

      Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/www/html/webmail/jawmail/apps/mail/index.php on line 18

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-05-23

      no replies?

      not even a hint or two? or suggestions?

    • Rudi Benkovic

      Rudi Benkovic - 2004-05-23


      Sorry for the late reply...

      The error message that you gave is something new for me and doesn't seem very logical to me at all. :)

      You might want to try to debug the situation a bit by just doing a simple "print_r($__li);" in the line 17... Or, you can stick a "print_r($GLOBALS);" there and send me an email, I might figure it out... If it is your server, try upgrading to the latest PHP 4.3.x version...

      I apologize for being so much out of the cycle with this code in 2.0, CVS version has been completely revamped in this area (mailbox listing handling). You might want to try to install a CVS snapshot (, but you'll have to additionally install the Crypt_XTEA PEAR module and you'll have to manually install the SQL table structure (contained in .sql dumps)...

      /kick himself in the nuts for *still* not releasing a packaged 2.1 ...

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-05-24

      Hello rudib,

      Thanks for taking the time to reply, I will try what you suggested and see how it goes, I'll reply if it goes well or not


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-05-24

      I've tried out what you suggested, but


      yielded no results, it was empty rather.

      I will email the result of , print_r($GLOBALS); , to you, to see what you can find ;)


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