
Crypt/HCEMD5.php - Missing!

  • Pablo Rosciani

    Pablo Rosciani - 2003-05-05


    If my memmory is not failing these package is no more part of PEAR.. so.. remove these dependeces or PLEASE tellme where i can found these package.


    PS: Sorry about my english please.

    • Andreas �berg

      Andreas �berg - 2003-07-06

      I had a major problem finding this to until I used the search engine on this site... pha!

      Go to and be just happy...


    • C.A.F.

      C.A.F. - 2003-09-30

      That version of HCEMD5 is incomplete. At least for JAWmail it is. I went digging through some sites that explained it and added the functions needed for JAWmail to work.
      All you have to do is create a folder called "Crypt" under your JAWmail folder and put this file in it. It should work fine. If I'm wrong, then I'm sorry.
      here's the link:
      P.S. Sorry for bringing an old topic up, but I didn't see it resolved.

    • Jake Walters

      Jake Walters - 2004-05-27

      I have tried what the above post suggested and it still shows Crypt/HCEMD5.php - Missing! Any help would be appreiceted...

      • Rudi Benkovic

        Rudi Benkovic - 2004-05-27

        First of all, *blush*. I'm ashamed at the state this project is with its releases. Working on packing something up... CVS is much better...

        Now, download this file and stick it into your PEAR folder into a subdirectory Crypt. The PEAR directory might be one of these:


        It varies.

        (This mess got made when somewhere in PHP 4.3 this HCEMD5 file just *disappeared*. It didn't get moved into the new PEAR system or anything, it was just gone.)

    • Jake Walters

      Jake Walters - 2004-05-28

      Hey Rudi, that did it!! Thanks for you help with this. I am currently learning php so hopefully if you need some help I might be able to...

      thanks again..


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