
Auto logout on timeout.

Oded Arbel
  • Oded Arbel

    Oded Arbel - 2001-04-17

    It appears that the current version of JAWMail (0.8) doesn't not autologout a user when it closes his browser. I'm not sure what is the timeout on the cookie, but after I close down the browser w/o explicitly logging out, I can reopen my inbox by just relaunching the browser and pointing it to the JAWMail directory - even a day later.
    I was wandering if this is a feature or a bug, and if it's the former - wouldn't changing it be a good idea ?


    • Rudi Benkovic

      Rudi Benkovic - 2001-04-17

      Setting the cookie timeout to 0 when installing does _exactly_ that. If you close your browser and reopen it, you won't be logged in anymore.

    • James

      James - 2001-08-08

      The default time out for the cookie is 2 weeks.  Therefore, when you close and reopen you browser your are still logged in.  To change this behaviour you can set the cookie to timeout earlier or later as required.


      note - if you delete the cookie between browser sessions you will have to login again.


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