
JavaTron / News: Recent posts

New Build - 2.2.7-JSC05-119

The latest build up under its own folder in the 'files' area.

Posted by Joseph Culbreth 2013-01-12

Source Code Uploaded to SVN

The source code for the 'new' build has been uploaded to the SVN repository. It is a NetBeans Project. Enjoy!

Posted by Joseph Culbreth 2010-11-16


The latest binary's have a couple of quirks. If you experience problems with 'TV' mode, its because the properties file isn't being initialized correctly. To remedy this, Click on Prefs, then the TV Mode panel. Change all the settings to something different, then click 'save' to initialize the properties.

The playlists are admittedly a bit counter-intuitive, mostly because of the limitations of how the audio-tron returns and accepts commands. If you think of 'playlist1' as a work-buffer for your active play queue, you will be on the right path. ... read more

Posted by Joseph Culbreth 2010-07-08

Binary Release

Good News! I've pushed up the new version binarys. There's a Windows installer for Windows folks, and a Generic 'JavaTron' tarball for everyone else. This version is tested against Firmware 3.2.25, on Windows XP SP3 and Ubuntu Linux 9.04.

There are some lingering bugs, but I don't believe there are any that are dead fatal. (READ: need testers!)

I've been developing in NetBeans, so the source (coming soon) is a bit of a break from. I'd like to figure out how to release the source as a 'Plain ol' Ant' and a NetBeans Project.... read more

Posted by Joseph Culbreth 2010-07-02

New Release is planned for next month

Hold onto your hats folks! There's a new release of Javatron planned for sometime next month (That's July). I still love my AudioTron! If you still love yours, or perhaps have been considering bringing it out of mothballs, or you just picked one up and want to see what it can really do, you're in the right place. Here's some highlights of the upcoming beta!
- RadioText editor - Get control of the internet radio!
- Playlist builder, saver and manipulator. Save your current playqueue as a playlist. Rudimentary re-ordering of a playlist.
- TV Mode (Actually its font color/size selection for the playlists, I use it when its on my TV for parties ;)
- Bug-fixes, no more never-ending library lists. Multiple playlists now work. Many other fixes!
- File info - retrieve information on a song, like where does it live on your system, with a simple right-click
- OS Look-n-Feel - nice snazzy buttons and borders to match your favorite look
- Message Display Editor - Scroll custom messages across the AT's Panel... read more

Posted by Joseph Culbreth 2010-06-29