
JavATE / News: Recent posts

JavaATE 0.7 released

Major new features of JavATE 0.7 include:

* Enhanced Spring support
* Multi-attribute sorting
* Numeric Range
* Enhanced time interval formatting

Find more at

Posted by Andrea Mattioli 2011-03-14

JavaATE 0.6 released

Major new features of JavATE 0.6:

* Spring support
* Command executors
* Command undo

Posted by Andrea Mattioli 2010-09-19

JavATE 0.5.1 released

Major new features of 0.5.1 includes:
* Entity Groups
* Property availability and writability
* Resettable commands
* Lazy entities and collections

Posted by Andrea Mattioli 2010-04-06

JavATE 0.4 released

JavATE, the Java Application Tiered Engine is a set of Java libraries that enables application
development using the domain driven methodology.
Major new features of release 0.4 includes:
- A new subproject called "WorkstATE" to develop finite state machines. It has its own example at
- You can develop user interface wizards
- You can plug-in your own session managers and specifications

Posted by Andrea Mattioli 2009-11-17

WorkstATE example

A new subproject of JavATE about State Charts will soon be released.
Preview it in this new example at

Posted by Andrea Mattioli 2009-10-29

JavATE 0.3 released

JavATE, the Java Application Tiered Engine is a set of Java libraries that enables application
development using the domain driven methodology.
Major new features of version 0.2 includes:
- a brand new project: "AuthorizATE"
- tree browser and editor
- validation refactored
- list editor refactored
- properties dependency

Posted by Andrea Mattioli 2009-08-14

JavATE 0.2 released

JavATE, the Java Application Tiered Engine is a set of Java libraries that enables application
development using the domain driven methodology.
Major new features of version 0.2 includes: filters completely rewritten using the specification pattern, repository editor, ZK custom components

Posted by Andrea Mattioli 2009-04-27