
SPWA Support

Dave Stankard

Javascribe comes with built in support for Javascript and HTML on the client-side. Javascribe can be used to create rich web-based applications using a minimal set of runtime overhead. Javascribe HTML applications are fast and light-weight.

At a technical level, Javascribe ships with a light-weight event management API which is used by Javascript-based component patterns to form a simple yet flexible application architecture for rendering HTML in the web browser. A set of "page" patterns creates a MVVM-style capability and a HTML Template pattern is used to create page views and re-usable widgets.

The Javascribe client-side patterns are light-weight and fast, with minimal reliance on heavy-weight third party libraries or CPU-consuming runtime libraries. As with Javascribe Core Patterns in general, many framework-level concerns are handled at build time instead of runtime, and the runtime code is as lean as it can be performance-wise. While being light-weight at runtime, the Javascript-based patterns provide strong flexibility to build the application you need.