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useless link that might interest people to know more on flashcom:

Free Chapter of a book:

some info on random stuff

Posted by Fredz 2004-10-12

Some links of interest

Copied from:

RE: [FlashComm] Jesse 's Flashcom chapters and some interesting dl
l 's...
2004-03-04 - By Jesse Warden

I wrote that before 1.5; during editing, I didn 't see of any way to take
advantage of those DLL 's, so didn 't mention it.

The most recent (well, one of the daily...) updates to the Flash help has
the C-level extensibility one can use to extend Flash MX 2004 via loading in
DLL 's via JSAPI/JSFL. I 'm totally positive the SDK/mannerisms in which one
creates DLL 's for it are different for Flashcom 's server module... But
MAAYYYYbe there may be something to help you get started. ... read more

Posted by Fredz 2004-10-12

a resume of it all

This message is a message i sent to an interested fellow and i find it resumes pretty well where im at:

"Ok, so here is where its at: Do you know anything about flashcom and how it really works ?

I absolutely dont. but i have my ideas on it, and I think they arent not too far off.

I've been working with flash for 7-8 years so i know how to work with it pretty well.
I've also programmed in Java for years, im surtenly not the greatest but I get around pretty well. I've worked with Servlets when they just
came out to make them dialog with Flash *or simple html stuff*. I've also worked a lot with Socket with java and build myself some threaded servers to manage chat room systems and multiuser interactivity
systems.... read more

Posted by Fredz 2004-10-10