Anonymous - 2009-09-05

Hello all,

When running JPF against a set of dynamically spawning Thread subclasses, I receive a java.lang.ArrayStoreException assigning a variable declared as int to an initialized object-level array of ints. I'm not sure how this is possible. When I run the code outside of JPF I never receive this exception. Even stranger, under JPF the line executes several times successfully and then fails with this exception. All of this is sequential, taking place in a single thread.

Is there anything anyone is aware of that JPF might be doing to conceivably attempt to assign a non-integer value here, when the variable on the right of the assignment is explicitly (and locally) declared int? I'm utterly at a loss about this.

I would heartily appreciate any insight anyone has on this. The code in question is as follows:

    public int[] fire(int[] m, int e) {
        int[] n = m.clone();
        for(int z: n) System.out.println("[ -> " + z);
        int i;
        int t = getTransition(e);
        if(t == -1) return null;
        for(i = 0; i < arcs[t][0].length; i++) {
            n[arcs[t][0][i][0]] -= arcs[t][0][i][1];    // *** ArrayStoreException occurs *here* ***
            if(n[arcs[t][0][i][0]] < 0)
                return null;
        for(i = 0; i < arcs[t][1].length; i++)
            n[arcs[t][1][i][0]] += arcs[t][1][i][1];
        return n;